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The Certification Board for Music Therapists

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2 The Certification Board for Music Therapists
Economical Options for Recertification and How to Track Your Credits Online Recertification program began in 1988; 5th Edition (01/01/2011) – represents CBMT’s commitment to ensure that it’s programs accurately reflect current knowledge and skills in the practice of music therapy The Certification Board for Music Therapists

3 Recertification Cycle
Initially certified by passing board certification examination Conditions for recertification must be completed by the last day of the 5-year cycle Accrue 100 credits Current with all maintenance and any imposed fees Application for Recertification submitted Current maintenance fee is $80/year; $20 late fee. If annual maintenance fees are not paid certificant still holds credential during cycle. All fees must be current to submit CMTE’s and apply for recertification.

4 Accruing 100 Credits Continuing Music Therapy Education (CMTEs)
Professional Development Professional Service  Three categories

Consists of several different types of learning experiences Must relate to the Board Certification Domains 100 CMTE recertification credits may be earned in this category, three (3) of which MUST be in ethical practice  Ethics Requirement CMTEs earned in blocks of 3 or more credits Sufficient depth and intensity of experience is considered essential to effective continuing education. Learner must have continual, sustained contact, with the facilitator and materials of the learning experience.

6 Graduate Coursework No Restrictions - Max: 100 CMTE credits / 5 yr cycle Related to Board Certification Domains Conversion factor: 1 semester hr = 16 CMTEs* quarter hr = 11 CMTEs Documentation - Official Transcript / Passing grade Audited graduate courses articulated as undergraduate/individualized self study courses Conversion factor is not consistent for semester hours! 2 semester credits = 33 CMTEs; 3 = 50 CMTEs; 4 = 66 CMTEs. Quarter hours are consistent, except for 9 quarter hours = 100 CMTEs (not 99). Required documentation for CMTEs is consistent with accepted practice for programs accredited by NCCA (National Commission for Certifying Agencies) * Refer to Conversion Table, pg. 13

7 Educational Courses Maximum 100 CMTEs / 5 yr cycle
3 CMTEs in Ethics required once in every 5 yr cycle ~ WHY? … knowledge of ethical issues and behaviors is essential … beneficial to be transparent about ethics requirement … consistent with CBMT’s mission to maintain highest quality standards New Ethics requirement is effective with cycles beginning in 2011 or thereafter.

8 Examples of Ethics Topics
Confidentiality (HIPPA) Academic Integrity Informed Consent Sexual Harassment Client and/or Civil Rights IRB Ethics Training Cultural Competency End-of-Life Issues Business Practices Citizenship Supervision Take an ethics-related CMTE course, online course, graduate course, self-study, read scholarly articles on the topic.

9 Approved Educational Courses
Sponsored by CBMT Approved Providers Courses must be 3 contact hours or greater in length  A minimum of 5 contact hours was previously required Documentation: (pg. 23) CMTE Certificate indicating CMTEs earned Awarded by CBMT Approved Provider NBCC – National Board for Certified Counselors CMTE courses at conferences, approved workshops, approved online/distance learning formats, etc.

10 Non-Approved Educational Courses
Certificant is responsible to justify significance and validity of the non-approved course Related to content area of Board Certification Domains Minimum 3 contact hours/course 50 min of direct educational activity = 1 CMTE Documentation: (pg. 23) Title of Activity Sponsor Instructor(s) Written summary (~250 words) Brochure/syllabus Certificate (proof) of attendance Contact hours Calculate from “clock hours” – The minimum requirement of 3 contact hours would need to be a course that was 3 x 50 = 150 minutes in length, or 2 ½ hours. ALWAYS ROUND DOWN!! Scenario: If you attended a 6-hour lecture, how many CMTEs have you earned? 6 hrs = 360 minutes; 360 / 50 = 7.2, so 7 CMTEs!

11 Report of Refereed Journal Article
Maximum of 20 CMTEs/5 yr cycle 1 CMTE per article - 3 CMTE credit min for submission Related to Board Certification Domains Published within 5-yr recertification cycle Not a required part of course or research project Documentation: (pg. 24) Journal name and date of publication Author and title Written summary ( ~ 250 words) Copy of ‘Table of Contents’ listing article

12 Umbrella Groupings Maximum of 100 CMTEs/5 yr cycle
Minimum of 3 contact hours (2 ½ clock hrs) per grouping Certificant chooses unifying topic within Board Certification Domains Documentation: (pg. 23) Same as Non-Approved Educational Activities Title of Activity Sponsor Instructor(s) Written summary (~250 words) Brochure/syllabus Certificate (proof) of attendance Contact hours PLUS: Umbrella groupings must list the unifying topic, session titles, date(s), and instructor(s) for each session

13 Standardized Self-Study Courses
Maximum of 100 CMTEs/5 yr cycle Offered by Approved Providers or non-approved agencies, institutions, or associations that offer programs related to the Board Certification Domains Documentation: Approved Provider (pg. 24) AP issued Certificate of Completion Documentation - Non-approved sponsor (pg. 24) Course/Activity title Sponsor Written summary (~250 words) Brochure, literature or syllabus Certificate or proof of attendance Number of contact hours in the course or program

14 Mentored Self-Study Maximum of 60 CMTEs/5 yr cycle
No more than 20 in a single BCD content area Planned program specific to certificant’s goals Supervised by qualified mentor Includes undergraduate coursework if related to BCD Documentation - Mentored Self-Study: (pg. 24) Self-Study Final Evaluation Form developed by certificant and mentor Documentation - Undergraduate Courses: (pg. 24) A written rationale for taking the course, its application to music therapy practice and its relationship to the Board Certification Domains (~250 words) Official transcript listing the name of the certificant, the course title, date of the course, and a passing grade. Pg. 17 of Recertification Manual provides a thorough description of the criteria, procedures, and guidelines for certificant who design Individualized Self-Study courses, and the specific requirements for both certificant and mentor. Questions? See pp of the Recertification Manual.

15 Short Events Maximum of 25 CMTEs/5 yr cycle
 An increase from 15 to 25 credits. To qualify, event is fewer than 3 contact hours (< 2.5 hrs) 1-hour minimum Must relate to Board Certification Domains No required evaluation component Documentation: (pg. 25) Certificate or other proof of attendance (signature of presenter or presider is acceptable) Documentation verifying length of the activity (brochure, schedule of activities, etc.) Examples would include “Grand Rounds,” In-services, Conference Presentations Question for CBMT: Where is the “one hour minimum” referenced in the manual? Page 12. the CMTE credit contact hour consists of 50 minutes of direct educational program or contact. CMTE credits are not granted in units smaller than 1 credit. Should probably be added to Short Events on page 18.

16 Music Therapy Conference Credit
Maximum of 15 CMTEs/5 yr cycle Attendance at national and/or regional music therapy conferences; organizations are CBMT Approved Providers 5 CMTEs per conference in addition to other CMTE and concurrent sessions (i.e. umbrella groupings) attended during the conference Documentation: (pg. 25) Certificate of Attendance (includes name, conference name and date, and AP #) Other conferences documented as Educational Courses ( > 3 hrs) or Short Events (< 3 hrs) AP’s have specific requirements for language to be included on Certificate of Attendance!

Publications Presentations & Program Development 80 recertification credits may be earned in this category NOTE: Combined recertification credits from Professional Development and Professional Service shall not exceed 80 credits/5 yr cycle

18 Publications Monograph/Scholarly Book (80 credits)
Dissertation/Thesis completion (80 credits) Chapter of book (50 credits) Article/refereed journal (50 credits) Article/non-refereed journal (10 credits) Book review in refereed journal (10 credits) Substantial ( > $5000) grant (50 credits) Documentation: (Refer to page 26 of the Recertification Manual – varies per type of publication)

19 Original Music Composition
5 Credits/composition Limited to 20 Credits/cycle Criteria and Documentation: (pg.26) Musical score of the original composition, at least 16 measures in length and correctly notated by hand or by computer software Audio recording of the composition on audiotape or CD Composition’s therapeutic use must be included: Client population(s) for which appropriate Therapeutic domain(s) addressed At least one specific therapeutic objective within the stated domain(s) Procedure for implementing the composition to meet the objective(s)

20 Presentations 1st time offering at professional meeting, conference, symposium - 10 credits; includes poster sessions. Repeated presentations of identical material not valid for recertification credit Documentation: (pg. 27) Title of presentation Abstract or program summary of presentation Name of sponsoring organization Name and date of conference or symposium Location of conference or symposium Copy of presentation or conference brochure listing the presentation, or other proof of sponsorship

21 Academic Degree and Internship Program Development
Developing an AMTA-approved college/university program - undergraduate or graduate - 80 credits Documentation: AMTA approval letter Writing a proposal for an AMTA National Roster Internship Program - 50 credits Collaborating on the development of a University Affiliated Clinical Training Program - 30 credits Documentation: Letter agreeing to the affiliation w/the supervising music therapist signed by the University Program Director

22 Program Development Courses and Workshops
Development of professional program, workshop, course of study credits - (Ex: Conference CMTE) Minimum of 3 contact hours Documentation: (pg. 27) Syllabus, bibliography, and/or content outline Sponsoring agency Location of the program Duration of the course or program Number of participants Copy of brochure (if printed) Statement by sponsoring agency that the course was developed and implemented by the certificant Question for CBMT: How is it possible for a sponsoring agency to issue a statement that the course was developed and implemented by the certificant? Typically conference organizers (AMTA, WRAMTA, etc.) have not issued such written statement to their CMTE presenters. I think they issue it to the presenter if the presenter were audited and needed that documentation. I do question that they can verify that it was developed by the presenter…but they can verify it was implemented/conducted by the presenter.

23 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE  New option for recertification credits!
Maximum 20 credits per 5-year cycle Service to Music Therapy Organizations One credit per hour of activity Documentation: (pg. 28) Statement of mission of the organization Documentation of time spent in organizational activities Signature of chief presiding officer of the organization indicating the time devoted by the certificant Involvement in External Organizations One credit hour of activity Membership on a Board Legislative Testimony Legislative Drafting Third Party Reimbursement Documentation: (Varies per service activity) See page 28 of the Recertification Manual

24 Clinical Supervision  Supervision of interns and pre-interns now considered as Professional Service! Maximum 20 credits per cycle in combination with Service to Music Therapy Organizations and External Organizations Pre-internship (music therapy undergraduates) 1 credit per student Maximum 5 credits per year Interns (music therapy undergraduates and graduates) 4 credits per year w/ at least one intern Documentation: Signatures of the certificant and her/his supervisor/manager verifying that the certificant provided supervision to pre-intern students and/or interns Question for CBMT: If a supervisor has two interns, how many credits would they receive per year for this type of supervision? 4. The maximum credits allowed per year is 4, times five years in a cycle allows for the maximum of 20 credits allowed.

25 ~ Remember ~ Important Note! Professional Development & Service
Total number of Professional Development and Professional Service shall not exceed 80 credits per 5-year cycle Service to Music Therapy Organizations – Maximum of 20 credits/5-year cycle in combination with Involvement in External Organizations and Supervision in Internship and Pre-internship Settings

26 Recertification Examples

27 Example 1: Private Practice MT-BC
Attend AMTA national conference = 5 Give 4 presentations to professional organizations (10 each) = 40 (no cost) Attend state conference CMTE 5-hr course = 5 (possibly low cost) Attend 3 concurrent sessions at state conference (umbrella grouping) = 3 (possibly low cost) Attend 6 concurrent sessions at AMTA national conference (umbrella grouping) = 6 Complete Standardized Self-Study online ethics course = 6 (possibly low cost) Complete Mentored Self-Study in running your own business = 20 (no or little cost) Attend various short events at local library = 10 (little to no cost)

28 Example 2: MT-BC at Health Organization/Rehab Facility
Supervise 10 practicum students  (2/yr for 5 years) = 10 (no cost) Compose 4 songs for patients (5 cred each) = 20 (no cost) Complete Universal Precautions/CPR/Ethics training at work (5 hrs total – ethics was 3) = 5 (no cost) Attend series of 10 trainings at place of employment (1hr each) = 10 (no cost) Read 15 journal articles = 15 (possibly no cost) Completed 2 standardized online CMTEs (5 credits each) = 10 (possibly low cost) Attended specialized music therapy training institute = 30

29 Example 3: University Assistant Professor
Publish article in music therapy journal = 50 (no or little cost) Present research poster at non-music therapy conference = 10 Collaborate on development of university-affiliated internship = 30 (no cost) Complete online CITI training (ethics) = 5 (no cost) Attend 7 continuing education workshops at university (1 hr/1 credit each) = 7(little to no cost) Attend 2 local CMTE courses (1 5-hr, 1 3-hr) = 8

30 Recertification Credit Summary
Enter and maintain credits in your online account Sign into your account at Sole responsibility of the certificant Credits must have been earned during the 5-year cycle for which they are being reported If activities span two cycles, report credits at time of completion Complete and submit the Application for Recertification as the final requirement for recertification available on CBMT’s website. Maintain documentation for one year after the end of your cycle Do not send verifying documentation Unless you have been selected for an audit! Then only send copies of original documentation materials (Exception for original transcripts.)

31 How to Track Credits Online

32 THANK YOU Please call our office with any further questions at 1-800-765-2268 Or email

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