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Publication History This novel was released in 1940 after Hemingway returned from Spain It is considered by many critics to be his greatest work It has.

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2 Publication History This novel was released in 1940 after Hemingway returned from Spain It is considered by many critics to be his greatest work It has sold more copies than any other Hemingway novel "For Whom the Bell Tolls." Encyclopedia Britannica Encyclopedia Britannica Online. 10 Nov. 2010

3 About the Author Born in Chicago in 1899.
His father was a doctor, and he was raised in a wealthy manner. His father was strict but taught him to build fires, cook outdoors, use an axe, fish, make bullets, and mount small animals He received a shotgun for for his twelfth birthday He was an avid hunter from then on

4 In school…. Hemingway enjoyed English but paid little attention to any other subjects. He wrote for the school newspaper, boxed, and was somewhat of a bully

5 The Six Month Career Ernest’s father wanted him to go to college, but he wanted to enlist or become a writer He was forbidden to go to WWI, so he took a job as a journalist for The Kansas City Star His departure from home to take this job is mentioned in our book when he refers to the mixed emotions he felt of sadness, relief, and adulthood.

6 The Six Month Career While at the star, Hemingway learned some of the key elements of journalism and continued to use some of them in his novel writing: Short sentences, vigorous English, positive wording, write about the way things are (don’t ramble about the way they might be) Hemingway had a bad eye, and it was likely that he would not be accepted to the army. He found and ad for ambulance drivers in the war before it went to press and applied. He qualified for this position and left after only six months.

7 The Ambulance Driver He was stationed in Italy in World War I. He was 18 years old. Ambulance drivers were a vital part of this war.

8 The Ambulance Driver As soon as he arrived, a factory exploded, and he was sent to carry the bodies to the morgue. He wrote back to the Star, “I am considerably shocked by the work I am doing, especially finding women amongst the dead.” Two days later he was sent to Vicenza which disappointed Hemingway who wanted to be part of the action. He called his new assignment the Country Club and soon signed up for canteen duty to get back to the action.

9 Canteen duty His new assignment was to give out food to the soldiers. He was in the middle of the action again. Six days before his nineteenth birthday, he was hit with Austrian artillery.

10 Lady # 1 Wounded Hemingway was able to carry another wounded soldier to safety before being hit by machine gun fire. He laid there for 2 hours before being administered morphine and seen by a doctor. The injured Hemingway was sent to Milan to a mansion with ten other wounded soldiers. There were 18 Red Cross Nurses to look after them.

11 Lady # 1 Hemingway was popular with all the nurses, but he was particularly fond of Agnes Von Kurowsky from Washington. Ernest was the hero of the hospital. He was the first American injured in Italy and had been injured heroically by carrying a wounded soldier. Agnes was admired by all, but Ernest won her affection. Ernest wanted to marry Agnus, but she was older then him and decided it wouldn’t work. She called him “kid” – 19 and herself “Mrs. kid” - 26

12 Lady #1 Agnes was his first love and appears in several of his writings including “A Farewell to Arms” – which is the story of their relationship.


14 Back in America Ernest tried to return to the war, but he had caught jaundice while in the war. He returned to America with 227 scars on his leg.

15 Wife # 1 - Hadley After leaving the ambulance service, he took a low paying journalism job. He was very depressed but soon met Elizabeth Hadley Richardson. She was eight years older than him (28), but they married that year. She was naïve and inexperienced. They were broke!

16 Wife # 1 - Hadley They lived VERY modestly and saved enough money to visit Europe. While there, he met Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein who greatly influenced his work. While with Elizabeth Hadley, Hemingway gained fame. They broke up due to his affair with Vogue editor Pauline Pfeiffer. He dedicated the The Sun Also Rises to Hadley and gave her the royalties from the book.

17 Hadley v Pauline

18 Gertrude Stein Woman with a Hat by Matisse Portrait of Gertrude Stein by Picasso

19 Ezra Pound The first modern poet
Most famous work- The Cantos (unfinished) He was also a mentor to T.S. Eliot

20 Wife # 2 - Pauline Hadley would only grant Hemingway a divorce if he promised to live a part from Pauline for 6 months. If they were still in love, they could marry. Without anyone, Hemingway became very depressed. He wrote of suicide. In January he divorced Hadley. In May he married Pauline.

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