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What can you tell me about the Jamestown settlement?

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Presentation on theme: "What can you tell me about the Jamestown settlement?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What can you tell me about the Jamestown settlement?

2 Jamestown

3 Jamestown 16 years after Roanoke before another attempt at settlement
1606 the Virginia Company gets a charter from King James I Charter called for a joint-stock company A company funded and run by investors, who share the company’s profits and losses

4 Jamestown 1607, Virginia Company sends colonists About 100
First settlers included many gentlemen (36) Also barber, tailor, carpenter, mason, and laborers

5 May 14, 1607: Settled 60 miles up the James River- Why?

6 How do they compare? Native Village Fort at Jamestown

7 Hardship Jamestown nearly failed All this = famine and death
Native attacks Not physically prepared for labor Weather, swamp, diseases Initially no firm leadership All this = famine and death

8 There is hope… Powhatan Confederacy trades with settlers
More men and supplies arrive Captain John Smith developed into strong leader

9 Captain John Smith Captured by Natives, released as a friend
“He who does not work, will not eat” Strengthened defenses 1609- Injured, returns home

10 Starving Time October 1609 to March 1610 60 of 214 survive
Abandon Jamestown until new Governor arrives with supplies

11 Jamestown Moving Forward
Marriage of Pocahontas to John Rolfe eases relations with Natives Rolfe planted tobacco seeds from the Caribbean, sweeter and milder Tobacco makes Jamestown very profitable

12 Tobacco Demanded laborers Indentured servants- System of Headrights
Work for a master to pay for their voyage, usually years System of Headrights Gave 50 acres to those who paid for passage or bought stock Additional land for bringing family and servants

13 Self-Government 1618, begin electing own assembly for law making
Virginia government includes: Governor, 6 councilors, 2 Reps from each of the 10 colonial towns Assembly called House of Burgesses (bûr'jĭs)

14 The Truth as best we know it.
Pocahontas The Truth as best we know it.

15 The End

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