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French Revolution Vocabulary

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1 French Revolution Vocabulary

2 Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité
Slogan of the Radicals during the French Revolution that means “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.”

3 Absolute Monarch King or queen who has complete power over citizens.

4 Tyranny Unrestricted use of power that often ends in oppression of citizens’ rights.

5 Radical A member of a group that favors extreme change in government policies.

6 Moderate A member of a group that is open to minor changes in the government.

7 Conservative A member of a group that favors maintaining the status quo or tradition.

8 Guillotine The “humane” execution device used to behead people during France’s Reign of Terror.

9 Estates One of three distinct social classes in France during the 1700s.

10 Aristocracy The highest, or richest, class in society.

11 Bourgeoisie The top educated members of the Third Estate; believed in Enlightenment ideas and led the French Revolution

12 Coup d'état Violent overthrow of the government.

13 Nationalism Extreme pride in one’s nation.

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