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Hockenbury & Hockenbury Psychology 6e Worth Publishers (2013)

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1 Hockenbury & Hockenbury Psychology 6e Worth Publishers (2013)
Step Up To: Psychology John J. Schulte, Psy.D. & Jason S. Spiegelman, M.A., ABD Hockenbury & Hockenbury Psychology 6e Worth Publishers (2013)

2 Chapter 4: Consciousness and Its Variations
Sleep Disorders Dreams and Mental Activity During Sleep Hypnosis and Meditation Psychoactive Drugs Sleep

3 Sleep 500 400 300 200 100

4 Dreams and Mental Activity During Sleep
500 400 300 200 100

5 Sleep Disorders 500 400 300 200 100

6 Hypnosis and Meditation
500 400 300 200 100

7 Psychoactive Drugs 500 400 300 200 100

8 1. The biomedical test that produces a graphic record of brain waves is called an:
A) electrocardiograph. B) electroencephalograph. C) electromyograph. D) electrical fMRI.

9 2. Sleep researchers distinguish between two basic types of sleep
2. Sleep researchers distinguish between two basic types of sleep. ___ sleep is associated with dreaming. A) NREM B) DEEP C) REO D) REM

10 3. Which stage of NREM sleep is marked by brain activity called sleep spindles and K complexes?
A) REM B) Stage 1 C) Stage 2 D) Stage 3

11 4. Which of the following explanations for why we yawn has been supported by research?
A) Yawning is an involuntary social cue that indicates boredom. B) Yawning helps get more oxygen into our blood. C) Yawning helps to cool the brain. D) Yawning is not, in fact, contagious.

12 5. “During the Stone Age, cavemen slept in their caves every night to hide from predators.” This statement is consistent with which theory of why we sleep? A) adaptive theory of sleep B) circadian rhythm theory of sleep C) restorative theory of sleep D) self-protective theory of sleep

13 6. People usually have around ______ dreaming episodes each night.
A) 1 to 2 B) 8 to 10 C) 6 to 8 D) 4 to 5

14 7. Researchers have found that when people dream:
A) most dreams are in color. B) most dreams are in black-and-white. C) they can sometimes predict the future. D) they will die if they hit the bottom when falling.

15 8. According to Sigmund Freud the actual story we dream about is the _______ content and the meaning that it represents is the _______ content. A) latent; manifest B) conscious; unconscious C) manifest; latent D) repressed; regressed

16 9. Which of the following is not a research finding about the content of dreams?
A) Instances of aggression are more common in dreams than instances of friendliness. B) Women are more likely than men to report emotions in dreams. C) Men are more likely to report other males as dream story characters. D) Sexual behavior often occurs as an element of a dream story.

17 10. During REM dreaming the sleeper’s _________ are inactive and the _________ is active.
A) frontal lobes; limbic system B) hippocampus; primary visual cortex. C) primary visual cortexes; frontal lobe. D) circadian rhythms; pineal gland

18 11. Which device is used to treat moderate to severe cases of sleep apnea?
A) Jarvik-7 B) CPAP C) fMRI D) EKG

19 12. The parasomnias include all but which of the following?
A) Narcolepsy (sleep attacks) B) Sexsomnia (sleepsex) C) Somnambulism (sleepwalking) D) Sleep terrors (night terrors)

20 13. Jen has a narcolepsy. She experiences a sudden loss of muscle strength and control, resulting in collapsing when excited. This symptom is called: A) parasomnia. B) sleep apnea. C) cataplexy. D) night terrors.

21 14. Autopsies of the brains of people who suffered from narcolepsy have found greatly reduced numbers of __________-producing neurons. A) serotonin B) melatonin C) hypocretin D) GABA

22 15. Reported cases of sleep-related eating disorder (SRED) have found people eating all but which of the following? A) slices of soap B) buttered cigarettes C) hand cream D) shoelaces

23 16. Research into hypnosis has found that:
A) it is possible to hypnotize a person against their will. B) hypnosis can make a person stronger than their physical abilities. C) hypnotized individuals can be made to do things that violate their own morals. D) hypnosis can help you lose weight, stop smoking, or stop biting your fingernails.

24 17. The two general types of meditation involve:
A) chanting and movement techniques. B) Buddhist and Chinese techniques. C) group and individual techniques. D) concentration and opening-up techniques.

25 18. When hypnosis influences behavior after the hypnotic state, the subject was given:
A) posthypnotic amnesia. B) a hypnotic command. C) a command suggestion. D) a posthypnotic suggestion.

26 19. Police Chief Jeffries is considering using a hypnotist on an eye-witness to help recall the events of a crime. The chief needs to know that: A) hypnosis can help if the hypnotist is highly qualified. B) there is an increased risk of false memories with hypnosis. C) hypnosis can result in more forgetting. D) hypnosis can only help if used along with a polygraph.

27 20. According to Ernest Hilgard’s theory of hypnosis:
A) becoming hypnotized depends on the willingness of the subject. B) the subject’s consciousness is split and includes a hidden observer. C) everyone can become hypnotized if the hypnotist is trained. D) it is just another form of concentration.

28 21. Two factors involved in determining physical dependence are:
A) tolerance and withdrawal. B) drug type and amount. C) quantity and frequency. D) psychoactivity and abuse.

29 22. _______ is the most widely used psychoactive drug in the world, but ________ is the most widely abused substance in the USA. A) LSD; Ecstasy B) Marijuana; Caffeine C) Caffeine; Alcohol D) Alcohol; Tobacco

30 23. Of the following popular beverages, which has the most caffeine?
A) Coffee (grande, 16 ounces) B) Energy drink (8 ounces, Red Bull) C) Soft Drinks (Coke, Pepsi, 12 ounces) D) Over-the-counter stimulants (NoDoz, Vivarin)

31 24. Prolonged use of cocaine can result in auditory hallucinations of voices and bizarre and paranoid ideas, a condition called: A) paranoid schizophrenia. B) cocaine rebound. C) flashbacks. D) amphetamine psychosis.

32 25. Which of the following drugs has never been available legally and for medicinal purposes in the United States of America? A) Opium B) Cocaine C) Heroin D) LSD

33 Congratulations!

34 Answers Stop here, or continue as a review

35 1. The biomedical test that produces a graphic record of brain waves is called an:
A) electrocardiograph. B) electroencephalograph. C) electromyograph. D) electrical fMRI.

36 2. Sleep researchers distinguish between two basic types of sleep
2. Sleep researchers distinguish between two basic types of sleep. ___ sleep is associated with dreaming. A) NREM B) DEEP C) REO D) REM

37 3. Which stage of NREM sleep is marked by brain activity called sleep spindles and K complexes?
A) REM B) Stage 1 C) Stage 2 D) Stage 3

38 4. Which of the following explanations for why we yawn has been supported by research?
A) Yawning is an involuntary social cue that indicates boredom. B) Yawning helps get more oxygen into our blood. C) Yawning helps to cool the brain. D) Yawning is not, in fact, contagious.

39 5. “During the Stone Age, cavemen slept in their caves every night to hide from predators.” This statement is consistent with which theory of why we sleep? A) adaptive theory of sleep B) circadian rhythm theory of sleep C) restorative theory of sleep D) self-protective theory of sleep

40 6. People usually have around ______ dreaming episodes each night.
A) 1 to 2 B) 8 to 10 C) 6 to 8 D) 4 to 5

41 7. Researchers have found that when people dream:
A) most dreams are in color. B) most dreams are in black-and-white. C) they can sometimes predict the future. D) they will die if they hit the bottom when falling.

42 8. According to Sigmund Freud, the actual story we dream about is the _______ content, and the meaning that it represents is the _______ content. A) latent; manifest B) conscious; unconscious C) manifest; latent D) repressed; regressed

43 9. Which of the following is not a research finding about the content of dreams?
A) Instances of aggression are more common in dreams than instances of friendliness. B) Women are more likely than men to report emotions in dreams. C) Men are more likely to report other males as dream story characters. D) Sexual behavior often occurs as an element of a dream story.

44 10. During REM dreaming, the sleeper’s _________ are inactive and the _________ is active.
A) frontal lobes; limbic system B) hippocampus; primary visual cortex. C) primary visual cortexes; frontal lobe. D) circadian rhythms; pineal gland

45 11. Which device is used, often with good results, to treat moderate to severe cases of sleep apnea?
A) Jarvik-7 B) CPAP C) fMRI D) EKG

46 12. The parasomnias include all but which of the following?
A) Narcolepsy (sleep attacks) B) Sexsomnia (sleepsex) C) Somnambulism (sleepwalking) D) Sleep terrors (night terrors)

47 13. Jen has a narcolepsy. She experiences a sudden loss of muscle strength and control, resulting in collapsing when excited. This symptom is called: A) parasomnia. B) sleep apnea. C) cataplexy. D) night terrors.

48 14. Autopsies of the brains of people who suffered from narcolepsy have found greatly reduced numbers of __________-producing neurons. A) serotonin B) melatonin C) hypocretin D) GABA

49 15. Reported cases of sleep-related eating disorder (SRED) have found people eating all but which of the following? A) Slices of soap B) Buttered cigarettes C) Hand cream D) Shoelaces

50 16. Research into hypnosis has found that:
A) it is possible to hypnotize a person against their will. B) hypnosis can make a person stronger than their physical abilities. C) hypnotized individuals can be made to do things that violate their own morals. D) hypnosis can help you lose weight, stop smoking, or stop biting your fingernails.

51 17. The two general types of meditation involve:
A) chanting and movement techniques. B) Buddhist and Chinese techniques. C) group and individual techniques. D) concentration and opening-up techniques.

52 18. When hypnosis influences behavior after the hypnotic state, the subject was given:
A) posthypnotic amnesia. B) a hypnotic command. C) a command suggestion. D) a posthypnotic suggestion.

53 19. Police Chief Jeffries is considering using a hypnotist on an eye-witness to help recall the events of a crime. The chief needs to know that: A) hypnosis can help if the hypnotist is highly qualified. B) there is an increased risk of false memories with hypnosis. C) hypnosis can result in more forgetting. D) hypnosis can only help if used along with a polygraph.

54 20. According to Ernest Hilgard’s theory of hypnosis:
A) becoming hypnotized depends on the willingness of the subject. B) the subject’s consciousness is split and includes a hidden observer. C) everyone can become hypnotized if the hypnotist is trained. D) it is just another form of concentration.

55 21. Two factors involved in determining physical dependence are:
A) tolerance and withdrawal. B) drug type and amount. C) quantity and frequency. D) psychoactivity and abuse.

56 22. _______ is the most widely used psychoactive drug in the world, but ________ is the most widely abused substance in the USA. A) LSD; Ecstasy B) Marijuana; Caffeine C) Caffeine; Alcohol D) Alcohol; Tobacco

57 23. Of the following popular beverages, which has the most caffeine?
A) Coffee (grande, 16 ounces) B) Energy drink (8 ounces, Red Bull) C) Soft Drinks (Coke, Pepsi, 12 ounces) D) Over-the-counter stimulants (NoDoz, Vivarin)

58 24. Prolonged use of cocaine can result in auditory hallucinations of voices and bizarre and paranoid ideas, a condition called: A) paranoid schizophrenia. B) cocaine rebound. C) flashbacks. D) amphetamine psychosis.

59 25. Which of the following drugs has never been available legally and for medicinal purposes in the United States of America? A) Opium B) Cocaine C) Heroin D) LSD

60 Acknowledgments Step Up Created by: Questions written by:
John J. Schulte, Psy.D. Questions written by: Jason S. Spiegelman, M.A., ABD Based on Psychology 6e, by Hockenbury and Hockenbury Published by Worth Publishers, 2013

61 Answers—Chapter 4 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. C 10. 11. A 12. D
13. B 14. 15. 16. 17. D 18. B 19. 20. 21. A 22. C 23. 24. 25. B

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