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Pages 20-25 Answers.

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1 Pages 20-25 Answers

2 Events of the French Revolution
Tennis Court Oath: Third Estate delegates were locked out of the meeting with the King and broke down the door to an indoor tennis court pledging to stay until they had drawn up a new constitution Storming of the Bastille: Mob searching for gunpowder and arms stormed the Bastille, a Paris Prison. Move overwhelmed the guard and seized control of the building. Abolition of Special Privileges: Abolished the Feudal system

3 Continued Declaration of the Rights of Man: outlined freedoms and rights of French Citizens (inspired by Jefferson) Civil Constitution of the Clergy: was a law passed on 12 July 1790 during the French Revolution, that caused the immediate subordination of the Catholic Church in France to the French government Reign of Terror: no body was safe from the guillotine, was to fight any enemies of the revolution Themidorian Reaction: resulted in the fall of Maximilien Robespierre and the collapse of revolutionary fervor and the Reign of Terror in France.

4 Industrial Revolution Brings Changes
Shift from home to Factory: more people are working in factories then farming Working Conditions: Child labor and poor working conditions are a result of the industrial revolution Industrial Revolution Brings Changes Growth of Railroads: new goods need to travel from place to place quicker thus brings on the growth of railroads Urbanization: More and more people are moving to the cities to make money

5 Why the Ottoman Empire Declined
Disunity: multiple rulers for last years and no one agreed on anything Failure of Modernize: Sultans wanted to modernize but received scrutiny for doing so Warfare: multiple military defeats Nationalism: individual parts of the Ottoman empire wanting to break away and create their own countries

6 Reasons for Renewed interest in Imperialism
Technology: such as steamships, rifles, telegraphs, and better medicines made it possible to conquer the African and Asian interiors Economic Motives: Europeans needed cheap raw materials to keep their factories busy National Pride: Europeans wanted colonies to demonstrate their power Balance of Power: Wanted to preserve the balance of power among themselves. When one country acquired a colony, other countries felt the same was necessary Social Darwinism: Many agree with social Darwinism which was the belief that some societies were more successful because their cultures were superior

7 Pros and Cons of Imperialism
Paved the way for global modernization Helped develop global defense support Brought about industrialization Exchange of traditions, ideologies, and customs Technological advancements Fuel economic growth around the world Political feuds Discrimination Caused exploitation Required a lot of money to defend more than one nation

8 Causes of WWI Militarism: nations building up their armies
Alliances: Multiple nations got into the war only because their allies joined Nationalism: Weaker nations wanting to gain their independence Imperialism: Larger countries such as Austria taking over smaller nations like Serbia Assassination: Assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand of Austria spurs the war because they blamed Serbia and declared war

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