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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Chapter 6 Enlightenment Chapter 7 French Revolution.

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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Chapter 6 Enlightenment Chapter 7 French Revolution Chapter 9 Industrial Revolution Chapter 11 Imperialism Chapter 13 WWI

2 He said that governments job is to protect the natural rights of its citizens A.Thomas Hobbes B.John Locke C.Maximilien Robespierre

3 B. John Locke

4 Enlightenment thinker who developed idea of Separation of Powers along with Checks and Balances

5 Baron de Montesquieu

6 This was a change in thought that attempted to apply the principles of reason and scientific method to all aspects of life

7 Enlightenment

8 Name the three Natural Rights as defined by John Locke

9 Life, Liberty, and Property

10 In this type of monarchy the King or Queen has unlimited power and seeds to control all aspects of life

11 Absolute Monarchy

12 Who were the people of the First Estate? A.The monarch B.Clergy C.Bourgeoisie

13 B. Clergy

14 Paris prison that was stormed and signified the end of absolute monarchy in France

15 Bastille

16 Jacobin revolutionary who was the leader of the Reign of Terror

17 Maximilien Robespierre

18 What were the wealthy middle class of France known as?

19 Bourgeoisie

20 What was the period in France where thousands of French citizens were executed known as?

21 Reign of Terror

22 Name the three Factors of Productions

23 Land, Labor, Capital

24 These people opened new businesses and took on the risks associated with it A.Entrepreneurs B.Socialists C.Workers

25 A. Entrepreneurs

26 This person predicted that workers in Industrialized nations would overthrow the owners and create a classless society

27 Karl Marx

28 This is the growth of cities and the migration of people into them

29 Urbanization

30 This helped spur the Industrial Revolution as more people moved to the cities to find work - they were no longer needed on farms

31 Agricultural Revolution

32 How did the Industrial Revolution encourage Imperialism

33 Need raw materials and markets

34 These were descendants of Dutch settlers in South Africa

35 Boers

36 This African ruler had a large strong army that helped slow European Imperialism in South Africa

37 Shaka

38 Belief that one race is superior to others

39 Racism

40 Imperialist policy of providing for their needs but not giving them rights – like a father

41 Paternalism

42 U.S. President during WWI

43 Woodrow Wilson

44 Man who was assassinated that lead to the outbreak of WWI

45 Archduke Franz Ferdinand

46 Glorifying military power and the buildup of the armed forces

47 Militarism

48 Goal of the 14 Points was: A.Enhance U.S. prestige B.Punish Germany C.Secure a lasting peace


50 This is the payment of war damages

51 Reparations

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