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Mass Society in an Age of Progress

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1 Mass Society in an Age of Progress 1871-1894
Chapter 23 Mass Society in an Age of Progress

2 The Growth of Industry What was the Second Industrial Revolution and what effects did it have on European economic and social life? Pgs What roles did socialist parties and trade unions play in improving conditions for the working class?

3 The Emergence of a Mass Society
What is a mass society, and what were its main characteristics? What role were women expected to play in society and family life in the latter half of the nineteenth century, and how closely did patterns of family life correspond to this ideal? Describe 3 changes to Mass Leisure in the end of the 19th century

4 The National State What general political trends were evident in the nations of western Europe in the last decades of the 19th century? How did these trends differ from the policies pursued in Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia?

5 The Growth of Industry 2nd Industrial Revolution from 1870-1910
Steel replaces Iron Lighter, more malleable, stronger Chemicals to help in textile, paper, and soap mills goes to Germany Electricity Thomas Edison and light bulbs Alexander Graham Bell and telephones Guglielmo Marconi radios

6 Growth of industry Internal Combustion Engine Department Stores
Switch from Coal to Oil (Petroleum) Led to smaller engines for planes and cars! Henry Ford Wright brothers Zeppelins Department Stores Wages nationally double/triple and individually up 2/3s Big Business Cartels, Assembly Lines and Interchangeable parts

7 Social Problems Reinforced the ideas of Domesticity vs Sweat Shops
White-Collar jobs Clerks, secretaries etc for women Prostitution Contagious Diseases Acts Josephine Butler and the Shrieking Sisters repealed the CDAs

8 Socialists SPD (German Socialist Democratic Party) became the largest party “The masses demand that something should be done for today irrespective of what will happen on the morrow” Evolutionary Socialism (revisionism) Eduard Bernstein said use democracy to achieve the goals of Marx Problem with Nationalism Trade Unions Grew to prevent revolution Anarchism Abolish the state so man could rule Led to a series of assassinations

9 pG. 709 Table 23.1 What are some trends that you notice with this graph? Would could be possible reasons for the difference in the following countries: England, Ireland, Hungary

10 Statements of the past “Man with the head women with the heart, Man to command women to obey” “Children are entitled to a long childhood spent with other children their own age” “The REAL boy scout is not a sissy. He adores his mother but is not hitched to her apron strings” “women should rub a fresh piece of bacon between their hands at night to keep their hands soft” “Mass education to produce a greater, militant France”

11 Reform in politics Britain France Germany
Reform act by Gladstone allowed Suffrage but Home Rule bill to separate Irish shot down France Third Republic established after end of the Commune Boulanger Crisis (wanted revenge on Germany but then fled France) Germany Bismarck initially against liberal political reform and preferred military loyalty to emperor Kulturkampf attacked the loyalty to the Catholics Traded pensions to slow Socialists but loses out to William II

12 Reforms in politics Austria Russia
Traditional Conservatives Francis Joseph kept control of Balkans Hungarians forced their language and systematic Magyarization NEITHER EFFECTIVE Russia Alexander III mad at Alex IIs assassination so enforces Russification and secret police with martial law his Son Nicholas II will take over next and try to keep it going

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