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Presentation on theme: "APPLICATION FOR BACHELOR PROGRAMS:"— Presentation transcript:

HOW TO APPLY FOR AN EVALUATION OF THE PREVIOUS CAREER In order to ease your application as much as possible, we have summarized in a few pages all the main steps you should complete. First of all, please note that there are TWO INITIAL STEPS to be completed : Registration online: creates your personal profile on our website Application online: allows you to ask an evaluation of the previous career Start by REGISTERING ON POLITECNICO DI MILANO WEBSITE TO GET YOUR CREDENTIALS. You will receive your credentials (Person Code and Password) by .

2 The registration form will appear like this
The registration form will appear like this. Note that you may modify your registration information only within 10 days.

3 START THE APPLICATION Use your credentials to ENTER THE ONLINE SERVICES Click on “Laurea (equivalent to a Bachelor of Science) and five-year single-cycle programmes: entrance or discharge tests and enrolment”

4 Please, read the information carefully and if you agree accept the condition and click on the button New application/ new request Click on Add Partial Academic Records if you have studied in another university without obtaining a degree Click on Add Qualification Achieved if you have achieved a qualification/s from another university

5 Search your university
Search your university. if it is not available on our database click on University not found and fill out the university data

6 Select the programme. If it is not available on our database, click on Programme/PHD not found and fill out the data

7 Fill out the data concerning your last year of university
Fill out the data concerning your last year of university. If you are still enrolled when filling out this request, don’t select the “date of closure of the academic career”. Then confirm Please, read the information carrefully and if the eneterd data are correct flag the box and click on Yes, confirm and continue

8 Fill out the information concerning your previous studies.
* = mandatory data Legal duration of the university course: years provided for your previous course Number of years/semester completed: for example 2 years or 3 semesters Exams grading system: minimum and maximum marks on your university’s grading scale. It is also possible to select «not available» Calculation system of credits: it is usually written on the programs of the exams Number of schooling years completed before university enrolment: Students holding a foreign high school diploma must have achieved it after a total of 12 years of schooling. if you’ve studied for 11 years and have completed one year of university, that year cannot be evaluated for possible credit validations. University entrance examination passed: only if foreseen by the education system of your country (e.g. Gao Kao, Vestibular etc.)

9 Select the programme for which you want your previous career to be evaluated. You can select up to three programmes and you will be required to pay € for each request:  this fee is not refundable. Click on With evaluation of previous career if you want a recognition of exams taken in the previous career or Without an evaluation of a previous career if you don’t want a recognition of exams taken in the previous career. Then click on Save.

10 Click on Add courses in order to enter the exams for which you are asking an evaluation. Exams not included in this application cannot be recognized You need to click on Add courses for each exam for which you are asking an evaluation

11 Fill out the mandatory data then select the exam state: passed or not taken.
For exams taken abroad is not possible to select a mark: you will therefore select Nessun voto associato Then click on Save exam or course

12 You can also add exams not yet taken
You can also add exams not yet taken. For example, if you are still enrolled at your university while filling out this application, you can enter the courses for which you are planning to sit an exam and the commission will evaluate them

13 If you want to delete an exam ,click on the name of the course and then click on Delete exam or course

14 Upload a PDF with the Academic transcripts and Detailed Study Programmes of each exam. Politecnico di Milano DOES NOT require the translation of detailed study programs if written in English, French or Spanish.  For more information about the documents please check this link It is possible to upload only one PDF file. To send your request to the commission click on Confirm and send to CCS (Board of the Study Programme) Select your method of payment and remember that your application will be sent to the commission only after you have paid


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