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1 Islam

2 Arabian Peninsula--between Red Sea & Persian Gulf (Arabian Desert)
Bedouins—nomadic herders Tribes—Everyone obeys rules=survival


4 Blood feuds Mecca —important trading city Kaaba (housed statues of many Arab gods)


6 Muhammad Born in Mecca 570 AD HONEST caravan leader Married wealthy widow Devoted time to reflecting on life

7 610—Muhammad had revelations
Allah (Arabic word for God) told Muhammad to “Recite!” Warned against idol worship & sin Allah was one true god

8 Wealthy merchants feared Islam would stop tourism to Kaaba & threaten profit
Mecca’s merchants threatened Muslims

9 622—Muhammad & Muslims fled from Mecca to Yathrib—Hijrah (flight)
City’s name changed to Medina 622—beginning of Muslim calendar


11 624—Medina Compact place loyalty to Islamic community over tribe

12 630—Muhammad invaded Mecca
Muhammad destroyed idols in the Kaaba

13 Qur’an (Koran) which means “recital” is the Muslim holy book
Conversations between Muhammad & angel Gabriel

14 Qur’an Moral Values: Honor their parents Kindness to neighbors Protect orphans & widows Give generously to the poor Murder, stealing, and lying, and adultery are condemned Gambling, eating pork, & drinking alcohol are NOT ALLOWED The Quran also has rules for divorce & marriage

15 5 PILLARS OF ISLAM 1.) Faith belief in Allah— 1 true God 2.) Prayer 5 times a day facing Mecca—sunrise, noon, afternoon, sunset, & evening (mosques have minarets, towers, where people made call to prayer)



18 3.) Fasting Occurs during month of Ramadan— 9th month in the Muslim calendar 4.) Alms giving Charity 5.) Pilgrimage Trip to Mecca Called a hajj


20 Halal Word means lawful Refers to foods that are OK for Muslims to eat
Similar to Jewish “kosher” food Mammals that both chew their cud and have cloven hooves can be kosher. Animals with one characteristic but not the other (the camel, the hyrax and the hare because they have no cloven hooves, and the pig because it does not ruminate) are specifically excluded (Leviticus 11:3–8)

21 Caliphs=Muhammad’s successors
632: Abu Bakr (Muhammad’s old friend) 1st caliph 634: Umar Added Iraq, Syria, Jerusalem, & Egypt

22 What is jihad? Struggle for Islam

23 644: Ali (Muhammad’s son in law & cousin) lost caliph to Umayyad clan
Umayyad killed & Ali became caliph CIVIL WAR Ali’s forces vs. Umayyads Ali KILLED & Mu’awiya made caliph starting Umayyad Dynasty

24 Sunni Majority of world’s Muslims Caliph can be any devout Muslim accepted by the people Shiite (Shi’a) Mostly in Iraq & Iran Caliph should be descendant of Muhammad

25 Umayyad Dynasty Carried Islam into India, China, North Africa, & Spain Built Dome of the Rock


27 Muslims pushed into France
Battle of Tours 732 stopped spread of Islam into Western Europe

28 747—non-Arab Muslims & Shiites overthrew Umayyads

29 Abbasid Dynasty 750 - 1258 Capital in Baghdad House of Wisdom Library
Greek & Indian texts translated into Arabic

30 1055—Baghdad captured by Seljuk Turks
1100s—Christian soldiers (crusaders) from Europe in Holy War

31 1258—Mongols invaded Baghdad & ended Abbasid Dynasty
Ottoman Turks help Arabs

32 Family Life Men could have up to 4 wives Wives treated equally Women could only go out to mosque or market

33 Mathematics Adopted Indian numbers, calling them Arabic numerals Algebra

34 Astronomy & Geography Astrolabe Outlined map of Asia, Europe, & North Africa


36 Medicine Al-Razi—diagnosed smallpox & measles Ibn Sina wrote Canon of Medicine medical encyclopedia Optics (study of sight)

37 Art Arabic script to decorate mosques Geometric designs, leaves, flowers


39 Literature Arabian Nights “The Thousand and One Nights”

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