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Rainforest By: Wes & Zach.

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1 Rainforest By: Wes & Zach

2 What is a rain forest? A rainforest is a type of habitat that covers 6% of the world.The rainforest is a hot, moist, and a rainy part of the world. 50% of the animals in the world live and thrive in the rainforest.

3 Location of Rain Forests
The rainforest is near the equator and between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.

4 Emergent Layer The emergent layer is the highest layer in the rainforest. The sloth, Harpy eagle, and monkey are some of the animals in the emergent layer.

5 Canopy Layer The canopy layer is the top part of the rainforest where it gets plenty of sunshine. The canopy layer is the layer with he most animals in it.

6 Understory Layer The Understory is the bottom part of the rainforest where smaller trees and plants live. The Understory is the coolest part of the rainforest.

7 Forest floor Rainforest animals live on the forest floor like the tapir, anteater, jaguar, and anacondas live on the forest floor. Many different flowers live on the forest floor like the rafflesia and the liana. The forest floor is the ground of the bromeliads.

8 Deforestation People are destroying the rain forest for products, mining, cattle grazing, and the building of roads highways, and cities. 50 acres a minute are disappearing.

9 People of the Rain Forest
The People of the rainforest take resources to make medicine and to make shelter for their familys.They make baskets and arrows from the bark and twigs that falls the a trees.

10 Please help save the rainforest!

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