NIFA - Planning Accountability & Reporting Staff

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Presentation on theme: "NIFA - Planning Accountability & Reporting Staff"— Presentation transcript:

1 NIFA - Planning Accountability & Reporting Staff
REEport Basics Adam Preuter NIFA - Planning Accountability & Reporting Staff

2 Topics 1. What is REEport? 2. Life of a Project 3. How NIFA Uses Data
4. Site Administration 5. FAQ 6. Resources 7. Questions

3 What is REEport?

4 What is NIFA? Our Mission: Invest in and advance agricultural research, education, and extension to solve societal challenges.

5 Initial Project Documentation Accomplishment Reporting
Reporting system IN Initial Project Documentation Accomplishment Reporting Financial Reporting

6 Congressional Inquiries
Reporting system OUT Public facing Congressional Inquiries White House Inquiries

7 Who Can Access REEport?

8 NIFA Partners and Grantees
Site Administrators Other Admin Staff Project Directors

9 How Do I Access REEport?




13 Key Terminology Capacity – A non-competitive type of funding distributed each fiscal year by NIFA to partner organizations (typically Land Grant Universities) In REEport they are labeled as Formula funds Manually created by Partner institution Competitive – A type of funding awarded each fiscal year by NIFA to any eligible organization (per the RFA) that competed for and was awarded a grant - In REEport they are labeled as Non-Formula Automatically created by REEport upon award recommendation Hint: If it’s not funded by one of the capacity funding lines, then it’s treated in REEport as “competitive”

14 The Life of a Project



















33 No Backdating 5 Year Max



36 Capacity Click project to open and submit to NIFA
Competitive (Non-Formula) projects automatically populate Draft folder once Recommended for award. You cannot create them Capacity Form populates with data from application, which cannot be edited Once populated into Draft folder, completed and submitted just like Capacity Click project to open and submit to NIFA Can only be submitted by Site Admin

37 Don’t forget to enter relevant comments





42 Progress Reporting

43 Progress Reporting -Reporting shells created automatically
-Dates cannot be changed and are sequential -Next shell created after previous is submitted -Cannot be submitted more than 90 days prior to Reporting Period End Date





48 Final Reports -Form and function same as Progress Reports
-Submitted at project end -Or to terminate early -Therefore can be submitted at any time

49 Project Change -A copy of all active Project Initiation forms
-Make any edits and submit to NIFA -Once approved becomes the new version -Project Change then creates a copy of the new version, available for future changes

50 Project Change examples for Capacity
-Used to request extensions – change End Date -Change Project Directors -Significant change in project direction -Correct any errors on any field

51 Project Change Competitive
-Competitive Projects – no approval required -Change is automatic upon submission -NIFA NPL receives updated copy -Certain fields cannot be edited – these come from original grant application – contact NIFA Program staff on Award Face Sheet to edit

52 Copy of all Project Initiation forms
Make edits Review stage Pending NIFA approval - Capacity

53 Changing Reports? Progress and Final
-Within 90 days of submission contact NIFA -We can send report back to you for editing -After 90 days report cannot be edited -Final Reports – Closes the project. If submitted in error, project cannot be reopened if after 90 days

54 Financial Report -Project level report – Expenditures and FTEs
-Capacity and Competitive projects -Not the same as SF-425 report -Due every February 1st -REEport Financial Report Manual


56 Due Dates Report Type Capacity Competitive Project Initiation Any Time As soon as PD is notified of award recommendation Progress Report March 1 each year Within 90 days after the anniversary of the start date* Final Report March 1 after the final year of the project Within 90 days after the project end date Financial Report February 1 each year Financial Report – reporting on the Federal fiscal year *If the project is a continuation award, the progress report is due within 90 days BEFORE the anniversary of the start date; NIFA program leaders send s requesting the report usually 60 days beforehand

57 How is All This Data Used?

58 REEport Data Transparent to Public
Data Gateway LMD CRIS

59 Data Gateway

60 Strong Impacts/Success Stories
NIFA Data Use Funding of Topic Areas Funding by Program Funding by State Strong Impacts/Success Stories Reports to Congress

61 Our Mission: Invest in and advance agricultural research, education, and extension to solve societal challenges.

62 Fewer and fewer Americans involved in any aspect of agriculture
What’s all the fuss? This means that fewer and fewer legislators have constituents in agriculture and food industries This means that public funding, both state and federal is harder and harder to come by Fewer and fewer Americans involved in any aspect of agriculture

63 Site Administration

64 User Roles and Capabilities Link

65 You are able to add, but not remove any listed departments

66 Disregard this section! Users are administered in Portal


68 You are unable to edit this information



71 Message users will see in Project Initiation and Progress/Final Report sections

72 Please don’t change the Prefix

73 Program of Research Instructions
For Animal Health and McIntire-Stennis funding only Program of Research Instructions






79 FAQ

80 Where is Our Competitive
Project Initiation?

81 Shared DUNS CREEMS REEport Auburn University SAES Extension Vet
Makes Award Recommendation Create Project Initiation and assign using DUNS Auburn University SAES Extension Vet Forestry Shared DUNS REEport can’t make assignment

82 REEport sends two simultaneous emails: 1. Project Initiation is ready – login and complete 2. Tell us where to assign this award. “Claim it” You must reply to the second In order for NIFA to make the project available It is a manual process – 3 to 4 business days

83 Resources

84 All found at NIFA’s website: Tools/REEport
Key Resources REEport Guide for Project Directors REEport Financial Report Manual REEport Operational Reports User Guide Program of Research Instructions REEport Capacity Review Tracking Explanation of User Roles All found at NIFA’s website: Tools/REEport

85 Support Tier 1 Help Desk Adam Preuter James Hultzman Primary Support
Adam Preuter James Hultzman

86 Questions?

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