Nat. Rev. Nephrol. doi: /nrneph

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1 Nat. Rev. Nephrol. doi:10.1038/nrneph.2016.191
Figure 5 Interactions between the gut and kidney control sodium balance Figure 5 | Interactions between the gut and kidney control sodium balance. Ingested sodium is sensed by sodium channels in G cells of the stomach, leading to the release of gastrin and L-DOPA, which are taken up by amino acid (AA) transporters in the renal tubule. Conversion of L-DOPA to dopamine occurs, and gastrin and dopamine activate their respective receptors, synergistically leading to inhibition of renal sodium transport and therefore increased natriuresis. Câmara, N. O. S. et al. (2017) Kidney disease and obesity: epidemiology, mechanisms and treatment Nat. Rev. Nephrol. doi: /nrneph

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