TV News Careers Project Directions: Select one of the following careers in TV News Production field and create a PowerPoint presentation describing the.

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Presentation on theme: "TV News Careers Project Directions: Select one of the following careers in TV News Production field and create a PowerPoint presentation describing the."— Presentation transcript:

1 TV News Careers Project Directions: Select one of the following careers in TV News Production field and create a PowerPoint presentation describing the job. Be sure to use animations and transitions, pictures and video clips to illustrate the daily tasks both in our organization and in professional organizations.

2 Producer – Cesar & Kevin
Organizes the crew, assigns jobs, over-sees whole production, keeps everyone on task.. 

3 Director / Technical Director –Josie & Jade
Calls the camera shots to the Technical Director, gives direction to Floor Director.  Operates the video switcher. Listens to the Director.

4 Stage Manager (Floor Director) – Elizabeth and Mallory
Maintains order in the studio, cues the talent.

5 Audio Engineer Video Playback – AJ & Angela
Operates the audio mixer. Balances all audio levels as they happen, check mics / testing sound levels on other video sources Plays the Pledge, Show Open and any other special videos in the show.

6 Computer Graphics – Sarah, Cara, & Alex
Designs and displays the graphics for the show.

7 Teleprompter Operator – Sydney & Keaton
Enters the script into teleprompting software. Operates the teleprompter during the show.

8 Anchors - Amaris & Evan Read the News on Air / high level reader
Good at asking question / Good Communication Skills Have a strong camera presence

9 Camera Operator – Genesis & Alyssa
Operate studio cameras, help set up shots, videotape the show

10 Slides 1 – Title: Job Name / presented by: your names
2 – description of WLMS job 3 - Job definition 4 – education requirements 5 – Skills / Tasks / Responsibilities 6 – salary & benefits

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