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Presentation on theme: "Personality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personality

2 that make us different from
Personality The mix of how we feel, think and behave that make us different from everyone else.

3 What are the 2 areas that influence our Personality: HEREDITY

4 Heredity and our Personality
Do we inherit our personalities?

5 Environment How does our world and our surroundings affect our personality?

6 a person who prefers to be alone or with a few friends. INTROVERT A person who is very outgoing, likes being in the middle of things EXTROVERT

7 Can you tell the difference between an introvert and an extrovert
by just looking at them?

8 Environment and our Personality
When do our personalities begin to develop?

9 Personality Types Type A: ambitious, organized, impatient, rigid, loves routine, take on more than they can handle, obsessed with time management, high stress, workaholics, multitaskers Type B: laid back, low stress, poor sense of time, usually late, don’t mind losing in a competition.

10 Conditioning learning by reward and punishment learning by watching
and imitating others Modeling Powerful video on role modeling , click on picture.

11 When does gender identification
Realizing that boys and girls react differently and are treated differently. Gender Identification Video clip When does gender identification begin to occur?

12 STEREOTYPING Thinking all members of a group share
similar characteristics. Video clip What are common stereotypes we hear often?

13 Common Stereotypes Like fried chicken (race) Cant Drive (race)
Are all very old fashioned & mean (age group) Are stupid and promiscuous (hair color)  Are in the Mafia (ethnicity)  Are all illegal and work for landscape companies (ethnicity/race) Are all rich lawyers (ethnicity/religion) Are racist & money hungry (political party) Are bleeding hearted hippies (political party) Drunks (nationality) Are rednecks and bad dancers (race) Terrorist & muslim (ethnicity) Not good at sports & over-emotional (gender)

14 Sexual Orientation Gender Identity Homophobia
Refers to who a person likes/is attracted to Gender Identity How a person feels on the inside Homophobia A hatred or fear of homosexuals

15 Heterosexual – Attracted to people of another gender.
Homosexual- having emotional, romantic, or sexual attraction to Members of the same sex. Gay/Lesbian- attracted to people of their own gender Bisexual- attracted to people of more than one gender Transgender- state of ones gender identity not matching ones sex.

16 Is there a certain age in which
Maturity State of being fully grown Is there a certain age in which maturity occurs?

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