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I John Lesson 3.

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1 I John Lesson 3

2 I John 2 Vs. 1-2 Why John wrote: so that you won’t sin
IF you sin, righteous Jesus is our Advocate HE is the propitiation for our sins and for the sins of the whole world Advocate: parakletos: specifically in I John 2:1 it refers to our substitutionary Advocate who pleads our cause with the Father. It should be taken as He who pleads God’s cause with us. Generally it is a legal term: an aid, helper

3 Cross References John 14:16 The Holy Spirit is our helper and will be with us forever John 14:26 The Holy Spirit is truth and teaches us all things John 15:26 He testifies/bears witness about Jesus John 16:7 He was sent to believers AFTER Jesus returned to His Father in heaven

4 Propitiation “hilasmos”: satisfaction; the idea is to placate the wrath of God Zod. The benefit of Christ’s blood for the sinner in the acceptance by the Father. He is BOTH the sacrifice and the officiating High Priest. To pay the necessary price for the expiation and removal of the sins of the people. Permanent, unrestricted. It is the means of putting away sin and establishing righteousness. The means for redemption of man.

5 Cross References Rom. 3:24-25 God put Jesus forward as a propitiation which satisfied His wrath against sin: ALL mankind’s sins. Heb. 2:17 Jesus became a man so He could make propitiation for man’s sins. Lev. 16 Once a year; Day of Atonement the High Priest entered the Holy of holies to sprinkle blood on the mercy seat Scapegoat: picture of sins being removed Ps. 103:12 God removes our transgressions

6 Cross References Is. 38:17 All our sins are cast behind God’s back
Is. 43:25 God wipes out transgressions and does not remember sins…for His sake Micah 7:18-19 God pardons iniquities, treads them underfoot and casts them into the sea Lev. 17:11 Blood is necessary for atonement Heb. 9:22 Without blood: no forgiveness

7 Hebrews 10:1-22 Vs. 1 Law is a shadow of good things to come
Vs. 2 Law did not cleanse the conscience Vs. 3 Law reminded you of your sin Vs. 4 Blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sin Vs. 9 Jesus takes away the first in order to establish the second Vs. 10 ONCE for ALL in Jesus Vs We can have confidence to enter God’s presence because of Jesus’ blood

8 I John 2 2 John Vs. 3-11 Commandments
Keep His commandments: Know you are His Commandments? What you have heard vs. 7 2 John 4 & 6 The Father commanded His children to walk in truth 2 John 5 Love one another True believers keep His Word because His love is in them

9 “Abide” Menein: continue, endure, remain, stand, to maintain unbroken fellowship with one. Zod. Of the relation in which one person or thing stands with another, chiefly in John’s writings; thus to remain in or with someone: to be and remain with Him and be one with Him in heart, mind and will. Steadfast & persevering in light and doctrine

10 I John 2:3-11 “If we say” One who says Result
Vs. 4 I have come to know Him Is a liar & truth is not in him yet doesn’t keep commands Vs. 6 He abides in Him Ought himself to walk in in the manner Jesus did Vs. 9 In the Light but hates Is in darkness, not saved Vs. 10 LOVES his brother IS in the Light Vs. 11 Hates his brother Walks in darkness: blinded

11 I John 2:12-17 Abide/Instructions
Vs. 14 God’s Word abides in the young men because John wrote to them and they overcame the evil one Vs. 15 Don’t love the world or things in it above loving God and His will Vs. 17 The world is passing away Vs. 17 Eternal life is for the obedient

12 I John 2:18-26 Contrast: antichrist and anointing
Vs. 18 Many antichrists exist now Vs. 22 Antichrists deny Jesus is the Christ and deny the Father Vs. 24 Believers are to let what they heard in the beginning abide in them: that is the Son and the Father – fellowship There is an antichrist coming

13 I John 2:27-29 Vs. 27 The anointing abides in believers
Vs. 27 The anointing teaches them so they won’t be deceived Vs. 28 Abide in Him until He comes so we may have confidence and not shame Yes, an antichrist is coming…..but so is Jesus! Theme: Know God, keep His commands: Abide

14 I John 3 Abide I John 3:6 No one abiding in Him sins
I John 3:9 No one born of God practices sin because His seed abides in him I John 3:14 The one who doesn’t love, regardless of what he claims, remains in death I John 3:15 No murderer has eternal life abiding in him I John 3:17 He meets his brothers’ needs I John 3:24 The one who keeps His commands, abides

15 I John 4 Abide I John 4:12 IF we love one another, God abides in us & His love is perfected in us I John 4:13 His Spirit is manifested in us I John 4:15 Confession of Jesus is proof of God’s abiding I John 4:16 The one who abides in love, abides in God and God in him Contrast: I John 2:9-11 darkness, blindness, hate

16 Cross References 2 John 2 The truth abides in believers forever
2 John 9 Anyone going too far does not abide in the teaching of Christ and does not have God One who abides has BOTH: Father and Son and fellowship with both John 14:23 True believers: Love, keep His word and are indwelt by the Holy Spirit John 15:1-10 Fruit is evidence of the vine/life

17 Application How do YOU abide? DO you abide?
IS the Holy Spirit teaching you? DO you have fellowship with the Father & Son? Is there fruit? Do you hate, or do you love?

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