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Unit 5 Notes: Digestion Basics, The Mouth, and The Esophagus

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1 Unit 5 Notes: Digestion Basics, The Mouth, and The Esophagus

2 (1) Digestion Basics Organs: Functions: Oral Cavity Esophagus Stomach
Small Intestine Large Intestine Functions: Metabolize biomolecules. Absorb useful nutrients into blood stream. Excrete waste, irritating or non-useful compounds.


4 (2) Dig. In The Mouth Both Mechanical & Chemical Digestion Mechanical:
Teeth chewing + grinding breaks down food into smaller units Chemical: Enzymes in saliva breaks down parts of food

5 (3) Saliva & Digestion Saliva = Spit
Lubricates food for esophageal transfer Contains an enzyme called AMYLASE… Breaks down starch  maltose


7 (4) Saliva Reflexes Parasympathetic release of saliva Causes:
Pressure in mouth Smell / Sight of food Thinking about food Emotional connection to food


9 (5) Bolus Bolus = chewed up food, mixed with saliva.
Bolus travels from mouth  esophagus.



12 (6) Deglutition Buccal Phase (Voluntary):
(A.K.A. – Swallowing) Buccal Phase (Voluntary): Tongue moves bolus into pharynx Pharyngeal-Esophageal Phase (Involuntary): Epiglottis closes over larynx Bolus moves into esophagus


14 (7) In The Esophagus Bolus moves from esophagus  stomach
Food moves through esophagus using PERISTALSIS: Peristalsis = Involuntary contraction of muscle Wave-like contractions push food down Like a tube of toothpaste!



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