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Empire, War, & Colonial Rebellion

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1 Empire, War, & Colonial Rebellion
You Bastards New Kagan 16

2 18th Century Empires European countries during the 18th century used empires to promote mercantilism, and improve their economic status. Trade rivalries developed causing great strain among the European powers. Boundaries of empires established in the Treaty of Utrecht in (Spanish Succession) New Kagan 16

3 Mercantilist Goals Gain a favorable trade balance of gold and silver. (exports exceed imports) Colonies established to provide raw materials for growing industries and also to provide markets for finished products. National monopolies (charter companies) over colonies meant there was no trade except with the home/mother country. New Kagan 16

4 Problems with Mercantilism
Many practices proved impractical. Colonial production (particularly American) competed against British factories. Colonists and different countries wished to trade with each other. Spain unable to produce enough finished products for colonies. Spanish colonists wanted “Spain in the New World” had to have all the comforts of home! New Kagan 16

5 Spanish Colonial System Casta System
Spanish society in the New World was based on classes as in Europe. Peninsulares: Appointed to serve terms in New World and return to Spain. Not as interested in the welfare of the colony as they were in getting rich quick and heading home! Viceroys: European born, high government officials and upper clergy. New Kagan 16

6 Casta system Creoles: Colonial born whites.
Resented the rule of the viceroys Owned large farm estates and mines Well-educated Lower clergy were also the Creoles. Mestizos: People of mixed white and Indian blood. Farm laborers for the most part Mulattoes: People of mixed white and African blood. Slaves: Indians, Negroes or a mixture of the two. Limpieza de sangre Gracias al sacar

7 Importance of the Church
The Roman Catholic Church as an important force in Latin American society. Supported by the government. Used to spread European civilization in the New World. Promoted education. First universities founded in the New World Brought the first printing press to Americas Due to this spread of culture, Latin American cities enjoyed a higher level of civilization than those of other North American cities. New Kagan 16

8 The Economy Spain’s most important source of revenue from the New World came in the form of gold and silver. Eventually agriculture replaced gold and silver as its major source of revenue. Sugar cane and citrus fruits (Imported) Tobacco and Cacao (Native) Cattle (Imported) New Kagan 16

9 The Plantation System The basic unit of colonial Latin America was a self-sufficient farming estate. Most were granted as royal charters. Charters included the right of encomiendas. The right to demand labor from Natives. Due to harsh treatment and disease, many of these people died. Death rate in Peruvian mines as high as 90% Due to the need for increased labor supplies, the slave trade began during the 1500s. People more suited to the hard work needed. New Kagan 16

10 The Slave Experience It is estimated that over 9 million Africans were transported to the New World. Passage to the New World was devastating. Many ships lost over 40% of their slaves in passage Cheaper than trying to raise slave children to adulthood. Profitable!! Cost $25 and sell for $150 each Due to the high mortality rate as workers, there was a constant need for more slaves from Africa. Especially high in the West Indies New Kagan 16

11 Look at the areas that the majority of slaves went to
Look at the areas that the majority of slaves went to. Think about what their population’s physical appearance is today. New Kagan 16

12 Life Conditions Differed from colony to colony.
Portuguese treated their slaves the worst In Spanish colonies the Church protected the slaves somewhat but spent more effort in protecting the Native Indians. British and French colonies provided some protection but was rarely enforced. Laws passed to maintain order fear of a slave revolt laws favored the masters over the slaves in all situations. New Kagan 16

13 Emancipation Movements
The abolitionist movement began in Britain and France during the Enlightenment. Abolished in the French colonies in  (but reinstated under Napoleon) Britain abolished slave trading in (Amazing Grace) The Latin American wars for independence during the early 1800s brought an end to slavery in many countries. Began in Haiti with a revolution against France led by Toussaint L’Ouverture Series of revolutions throughout South and Central America New Kagan 16

14 New Kagan 16

15 French & British Rivalry
North America was a major source of conflict between France and Britain. Competition among colonists (nationalist sentiments) Conflict over fishing rights and fur trade. Competition among each other to gain alliances with Native American tribes. New Kagan 16

16 Rivalry in India India was another source of conflict.
Competition for trade between the British East India Company and the French Compagnie des Indes. The government of India was weakening during the 18th century. France and Britain both saw it as an opportunity to expand their control of the region. Both countries attempted to gain control of the government in India. Joseph Dupleix of France Robert Clive of England Each country attempted to stop the other from government control of India. New Kagan 16

17 Mid 18th Century Wars New Kagan 16

18 War of Jenkins Ear: War that helped illuminate the rising conflict over trade among the European powers. Under the Treaty of Utrecht, Britain received the right (asiento) to provide Spain with slaves for a period of thirty years. Britain also allowed to send one ship to Portobello in the Caribbean. Ship was resupplied nightly by other British ships One of these ships was boarded by the Spanish Capt. Robert Jenkins’ ear was cut off by the Spanish. New Kagan 16

19 Eventually escalates Event (1731) eventually escalates into a war between the two countries (1739). British merchants put pressure on Parliament. Prime Minister Walpole forced to engage in war. Remember Walpole was all about avoiding war – expensive! Conflict dovetailed into the War of the Austrian Succession. New Kagan 16

20 War of the Austrian Succession 1740 - 1748
In 1740, Frederick the Great of Prussia seized the Austrian province of Silesia. Claimed he was not bound to the Pragmatic Sanction. Silesia had rich farmland along with large iron deposits. Its population was largely German speaking The seizure of Silesia began a series of campaigns known as the War of the Austrian Succession. Pitted Prussia and her allies against Austria and hers New Kagan 16

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22 A European War Or World War I?
France, Bavaria, and Saxony sided with Prussia (why?) Britain, Russia, and the Dutch Netherlands sided with Austria. (why?) Prussia defeated Lost almost 10% of its population Its countryside was devastated. Berlin was invaded three separate times. New Kagan 16


24 The Diplomatic Revolution
After the war there was a major diplomatic shift, with both Britain and France changing sides. New French alliance with the traditional Habsburg enemy against the rising power of Britain and Prussia led to costly failure in the Seven Years' War. How were these change cemented?

25 The Seven Years War 1756-1763 (WW I?)
Involved almost every European country. Fought not only in Europe but also India and the Americas. The French and Indian Wars At one time, Prussia was surrounded by enemies in Europe. With British aid, Frederick was able to hold off invasion. Complexion of war changed when Russia changed sides and joined Prussia. Treaty of Hubertusburg ended the war in Europe. Prussia allowed to keep Siliesia. New Kagan 16

26 Assault British Center
Guild of Wargamers and Roleplayers AUSTRIAN CAVALRY Assault British Center New Kagan 16

27 Advance to meet British
FRENCH TROOPS Advance to meet British New Kagan 16

28 AUSTRIAN INFANTRY Advance on Prussians New Kagan 16

29 Waits for French Cavalry
PRUSSIAN INFANTRY Waits for French Cavalry New Kagan 16

30 SCOTTISH HIGHLANDERS Ready for battle New Kagan 16

31 FRENCH General Inspects troops New Kagan 16

32 PRUSSIAN Artillery Commander Looks for a target
New Kagan 16

33 Britain defeated the French at the Battle of Plassey, thus denying France control of Indian territories. The victory paved the way for more control by the English East India Company, which became the de facto government of the region. New Kagan 16

34 On June 21, 1756, 146 prisoners were squeezed into the tiny one-room military jail at Fort William, for one evening. The room measured 18 ft. by 18 ft. The room temperature became very high, and only a small amount of water was given to a few prisoners. Prisoners died when they became too weak to stand, and were crushed by other prisoners. In the morning 23 prisoners were still alive. The jail became known as the Black Hole Of Calcutta. “Then the prisoners went mad with despair. They trampled each other down, fought for the places at the windows, fought for the pittance of water with which the cruel mercy of the murderers mocked their agonies, raved, prayed, blasphemed, implored the guards to fire among them. The gaolers in the meantime held lights to the bars, and shouted with laughter at the frantic struggles of their victims. At length the tumult died away in low gaspings and moanings. The day broke…” On June 21, 1756, the headquarters of the East India Company was attacked by the anti-British forces of Suraj-ud-Daula, the nawab of Bengal. 146 prisoners were squeezed into the tiny one-room military jail at Fort William, for one evening. The room measured 18 ft. by 18 ft. The room temperature became very high, and only a small amount of water was given to a few prisoners. Prisoners died when they became too weak to stand, and were crushed by other prisoners. In the morning 23 prisoners were still alive. The jail became known as the Black Hole Of Calcutta. New Kagan 16

35 European Claims in North America Before and After the Seven Years' War (1756–1763)
New Kagan 16

36 Treaty Of Paris 1763 Series of complex land exchanges
France loses almost everything and Britain gains (but proceeds to give and take with various countries) Spain gains Louisiana from GB in return for Florida (France regains it in 1800 in a deal with Spain) France forced to give up defenses in India. GB now de facto control under East India Company Canada becomes British but still has lots of French Settlers who refuse to accept situation. And still do!

37 Importance of the 7 Years War
1)Britain effectively removes the challenge of France across the globe. The American colonists think they no longer need protection from France, and the attempt by British Parliament to tax the colonists to pay for the war and continued protection sparked the American Revolution. 2)  France and Spain embarked upon a major naval buildup.  Stronger Bourbon navies important in the latter years of 18th century 3) France incurred tremendous debt and more in the American Revolution. This helped spark the French Revolution.  The humiliation of the army led to reforms and innovations which were later used with great success by Napoleon. New Kagan 16

38 Importance of the War 4)  Prussia survived the war despite the early setbacks and confirmed its place as an important European power.   5)  Russia showed itself to be a major power capable of enormous influence. This reputation will be enhanced later! 6)  By its lack of participation, The Netherlands showed itself to be in relative decline.  (It was involved in the War of Austrian Succession) 7)  Britain confirmed itself as the world's dominant naval and economic power and a force to be reckoned with in the European balance of power. Eventually, Britain conquered all of India and used its resources to further expand the empire.  Some non-"Eurocentric" historians believe British control of India made the Industrial Revolution possible. I do not agree. It helped but all that was needed were additional raw materials. India just happened to be convenient a the time. New Kagan 16

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