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A tale of Two Cities Book 3 Chapter 1.

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1 A tale of Two Cities Book 3 Chapter 1

2 Characters/Setting Characters: Charles Darney, Monsieur Defarge, 3 soldiers, and the prisoners. Setting takes place Heading towards Paris from England in autumn 1792.

3 Plot Development Charles is locked away on his way to Paris, as he gets closer to Paris, He goes from free to an escorted suspect to prisoner, but he has done nothing, Defarge doesn’t help Charles but shows sympathy, Revolutionaries invoke guillotine as if saint; bloodthirsty violence has replaced religious compassion, Defarge helped Manette from his secret imprisonment, but now Defarge imprisons Manette’s son-in-law. Revolutions become a tyranny, charles paces to deal with the imprisonment like Manette did with making shoes.

4 Theme Development This chapter is about revenge because Charles is put in jail and Defarge does nothing to help, it’s all secretive to Charles.

5 Key Quotes “Emigrant,” said the functionary, “I am going to send you on to Paris, under an escort.” “This universal watchfulness not only stopped him on the highway twenty times in a stage, but retarded his progress twenty times in a day, by riding after him and taking him back, riding before him and stopping him by anticipation, riding with him and keeping him in charge. He had been days upon his journey in France alone, when he went to bed tired out, in a little town on the high road, still a long way from Paris.” A very few French leagues of his journey were accomplished, when Charles Darnay began to perceive that for him along these country roads there was no hope of return until he should have been declared a good citizen at Paris. Whatever might befall now, he must on to his journey’s end. Not a mean village closed upon him, not a common barrier dropped across the road behind him, but he knew it to be another iron door in the series that was barred between him and England. The universal watchfulness so encompassed him, that if he had been taken in a net, or were being forwarded to his destination in a cage, he could not have felt his freedom more completely gone.

6 Is the mystery revealed???
No unfortunately this chapter is so secretive and suspenseful that you have to keep reading to find out what happens.

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