Is the rock here a meteorite?

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Presentation on theme: "Is the rock here a meteorite?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Is the rock here a meteorite?

2 Have your teacher play the video. Is this a meteorite or a comet?

3 There are two objects here, if you dropped them to the floor which one would the force of gravity accelerate to the ground first?

4 Have your teacher play the sound for you: “Is this a sound from space

5 Where is the sun in relation to the moon in this image?

6 What formed this land feature on Mars?

7 How many rings does Saturn have?

8 Is Mercury or Earth hotter?

9 Does Mercury have an atmosphere?

10 How many moons does Pluto have?

11 Is the moon moving toward a full moon?

12 Is the Sun spinning?

13 Are all these stars the same type?

14 What is the blue area on Saturn?

15 What is happening on the surface of this moon of Saturn?

16 What direction did the meteorite that made this crater come from?

17 Which orbits the Sun faster Jupiter or Mars?

18 What does this land feature tell you about Mars?

19 Which of the objects below is a planet (one is)?

20 Is this an asteroid or a comet?

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