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The Solar System!.

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Presentation on theme: "The Solar System!."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Solar System!

2 Vocabulary The Solar System – a star and the planets and other space objects that revolve around it. Planet- a large, round body that revolves around a star and has minimal space material around it

3 Vocabulary Axis- the imaginary line that goes through the center of a planet Rotation- when an object spins Revolution- When a space object goes around another

4 Inner planets are terrestrial planets (they have land) They have a thin atmospheres, short revolutions and have few moons

5 The Inner Planets My- Mercury Very- Venus Educated- Earth
Mother- Mars .

6 Outer Planets
Just- Jupiter Served- Saturn Us- Uranus Noodles- Neptune Outer Planets- Gas Giants are the furthers planets from the sun. Made from mostly gas and they have many moons and rings.

7 Stars

8 Why can’t we see the stars like this during the day
Why can’t we see the stars like this during the day? What is preventing us from seeing them?

9 Why can’t we see the stars like this during the night
Why can’t we see the stars like this during the night? Why do we see so few?

10 What kind of eclipse is this?



13 Moon phases

14 Half of the moon is always lit up by the sun. We just don’t always see it. 1. Waxing is when the moon we see is growing 2. Waning is when the moon is getting smaller.

15 The moon gravitational forces pushes water towards it which causes low and high tide depending on what side you are on.

16 Comets are space bodies that are made of ice and rock
Comets are space bodies that are made of ice and rock. They have a tail which is always pointed away from the sun

17 Asteroids are space objects that are mostly made of rock
Asteroids are space objects that are mostly made of rock. They are usually found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

18 Meteoroids- are pieces of asteroids that are still in space
Meteor- is when the space body is burning up in earth atmosphere Meteorite- when the space body has reach earth

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