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Communication Communication is the process of exchanging messages between a sender and receiver.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication Communication is the process of exchanging messages between a sender and receiver."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication Communication is the process of exchanging messages between a sender and receiver.

2 Why is communication so important?
Relationships Parents, friends, spouse, customers, etc. Your ability to communicate will effect your success in whatever career you choose

3 Elements of Communication
Channels Face to Face -Text -Social Media Phone Snail Mail Music Art etc. Feedback Any response to the message Barriers Distractions Emotional Barriers Planning a Response Setting Where the communication takes place

4 Why do people speak? Inform Persuade Entertain

5 “’dkfjfjiefchniques for Effective Listening


7 How do you improve your communication skills
Just like anything else – PRACTICE! Talk to strangers Have real discussions with friends Have debates with friends and family Talk to waiters and waitresses

8 Communication Activity
Test your communication skills Listening On-line Quiz

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