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Presentation on theme: "IDENTIFYING and INTERVIEWING VICTIMS OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING"— Presentation transcript:


2 Crucial indicators suggesting trafficking
Child appears suddenly within an established family group. Primary care unable to answer questions about child’s health or education history. History about the child’s arrival may change, or be vague and unconvincing. Child is quiet and subjected Child does not play with, or related to, other children of the family.

3 Child does not resemble other family members.
Child appears to belong to a different ethnic group (looks different, speaks differed etc) Neglectful treatment of illness in the child Adult appears uncaring, cold or hostile to the child Child treated differently to other children or scapegoat within the family.

4 Indicators that often point to a person held in a slavery condition.
I. Health Characteristics of a Trafficked Person. 1.Malnutrition, dehydration or poor personal hygiene 2. Sexually transmitted diseases 3. Signs of rape or sexual abuse 4. Bruising, broken bones, or other signs of untreated medical problems 5. Critical illnesses including diabetes, cancer or heart disease 6. Post-traumatic stress or psychological disorders.

5 Indicators that often point to a person held in a slavery condition.
II Signs That a Person Is Being Held as a Slave The individual: Does not hold his/her own identity or travel documents; Suffers from verbal or psychological abuse designed to intimidate, degrade and frighten the individual Has a trafficker or pimp who controls all the money, victim will have very little or no pocket money; and Is extremely nervous, especially if their "translator" (who may be their trafficker) is present during an intake.

6 Indicators that often point to a person held in a slavery condition.
III. The individual is a foreigner, unable to speak the language in the country where they reside or work.

7 Identifying Victims of Human Trafficking
Is potential victim accompanied by another person who seems controlling? Does person accompanying potential victim insist on giving information to you? Can you see or detect any physical abuse? Does potential victim seem fearful? Does potential victim have difficulty communicating because of language or cultural barriers? Does potential victim have any identification?

8 The following indicators can flag potential victims
Evidence of being controlled Evidence of inability to move or leave job Bruises or other signs of physical abuse Fear or depression Not speaking on own behalf and/or not speaking local language No passport or other forms of identification or documentation

9 Trafficking Screening Questions
1. Is the person free to leave the work site? 2. Is the person physically, sexually or psychologically abused? 3. Does the person have a passport or valid I.D. card and is he/she in possession of such documents? 4. What is the pay and conditions of employment?

10 5. Does the person live at home or at/near the work site?
6. How did the individual arrive to this destination if the suspected victim is a foreign national? 7. Has the person or a family member of this person been threatened? 8. Does the person fear that something bad will happen to him or her, or to a family member, if he/she leaves the job?

11 More questions…. Why and how das the person come to this country?
How was the person recruited? Does the person owe money to their employ? Does the person get paid a fair payment? (- How many hours a day do you work?) (- Do you receive compensation for your work or does ig go directly to your employer?) Where does the person live? Has the person been threatened in any way to prevent him/her from leaving?

12 General Questions to ask
Why type of work do you do? Are you being paid? Can you leave your job if you want to? Can you come and go as you please? Have you or your family been threatened? What are your working and living conditions like? Where do you sleep and eat? Do you have to ask permission to eat/sleep/go to the bathroom? Are there locks on your doors/windows so you cannot get out? Has your identification or documentation been taken from you?

13 Questions concerning the recruitment
Why did you come here? Who arrange your travel? How did you get here? Do you have money for your trip? What did you expend when you come? What did you end up doing? Were you scared?

14 Questions concerning the working conditions
Are you in school? Are you working? What kind of work do you do? Are you paid? Do you own money to your boss or someone else? Can you leave your job if you want?

15 Questions concerning the working conditions
Where do you leave? Who else lives there? Where do you sleep? Are you sacred to leave?

16 Questions concerning possible coercion
Has anybody ever threatening you to keep you from running away? Has anybody ever hurt you to make you to stay? Has your family been threatened?

17 10 Guiding principles for the ethical and safe conduct of interviews with victims
Do not harm Know your subject and assess the risk Prepare referral information Do not make promise you can not fulfill Adequately select and prepare interpreters and co-workers Ensure anonymity and confidentiality

18 Get informed consent Listen to and respect each victim’s assessment of her situation and risks to her safety. De not retraumatize the victim Br prepared for imergency intervention Put information collected to good use

19 Once identified, a trafficked individual may require any or all of the following services:
--Translation; -- Housing, food and clothing; -- Medical care; -- Legal assistance; -- Language training; -- Vocational or educational training; and -- Counseling.

20 Communicating with Victims of Human Trafficking
Before talking to potential trafficking victim, isolate individual from person accompanying her/him without raising suspicions Enlist trusted translator/interpreter who also understands victim’s cultural needs (If person is child, important to enlist help of specialist skilled in interviewing child trafficking or abuse victims)

21 For victim’s safety, strict confidentiality is paramount
Talk to victims in safe, confidential and trusting environment Limit number of staff members coming in contact with suspected trafficking victim Importance of indirectly and sensitively probing to determine if person is trafficking victim May deny being trafficking victim, so best not to ask direct questions Phrase “trafficking victim” will have no meaning    

22 Communicating with Victims of Human Trafficking: Questions
Can you leave your work or job situation if you want? When you are not working, can you come and go as you please? Have you been threatened with harm if you try to quit? Has anyone threatened your family? What are your working or living conditions like? Where do you sleep and eat? Do you have to ask permission to eat, sleep or go to the bathroom? Is there a lock on your door or windows so you cannot get out?

23 Gaining victim’s trust important first step
We are here to help you. Our first priority is your safety. If you are a victim of trafficking and you cooperate, you will not be deported. We will give you the social services that you need. We can find you a safe place to stay. 

24 We can help get you what you need. 
We want to make sure what happened to you doesn’t happen to anyone else.  You are entitled to assistance. We can help you get assistance. If you are a victim of trafficking, you can receive help to rebuild your life safely in this country.

25 Victims of Trafficking and Their Needs
Immediate assistance (Housing, food, medical, safety and security, language interpretation and legal services) Mental health assistance (Counseling) Income assistance (Cash, living assistance) Legal status (Certification, immigration)

26 Sources World Health Organization, (2003), Ethical and Safety recommendations for interviewing trafficked women. WHO. USINFO (2004). Tips for Recognizing Victims of Trafficking in Persons State Department fact sheet for public service personnel. Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Person , Washington, DC. Internet Sites


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