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Child Abuse Recognition

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1 Child Abuse Recognition

2 Statistics In 2013, 79,668 New York State children were abused or neglected Nationwide, an estimated 754,000 children were victims of abuse and neglect in 2013 Nationwide in 2013, an estimated 1,560 children died as a result of abuse or neglect

3 Mandatory Reporters Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs)
School Officials Peace Officer Registered Nurse Social Worker Physician Coroner

4 How to Report Suspected Child Abuse
If you suspect abuse or neglect, call the New York State Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment: They will notify the local Child Protective Services, which is part of the county Department of Social Services. CPS will investigate and act to protect the child and to help the parent(s).

5 Types of Abuse Child abuse includes: Physical abuse Physical neglect
Sexual abuse Emotional abuse

6 Physical Abuse Non-accidental physical injury of a child inflicted by a parent or caretaker. May Include: Bruises Welts Broken Bones Burns Cuts


8 Cigarette Burns

9 Bruises From Belt

10 Physical Neglect Withholding, or failing to provide, adequate food, shelter, clothing, hygiene, medical care, education or supervision, such that the child’s physical, mental or emotional condition is impaired or at imminent risk of being impaired.

11 Physical Neglect You might see:
A very young child routinely left alone at home. You may know that a severe illness or injury is not being medically treated. Physical neglect can be hard to judge; sometimes what you see is poor judgment, but not neglect. Sometimes what you see is the result of poverty and a family's struggle to make ends meet.

12 Sexual Abuse When a parent or caretaker commits a sexual offense against a child or allows a sexual offense to be committed, such as rape, sodomy, engaging a child in sexual activity, engaging a child in -- or promoting a child’s — sexual performance.

13 Sexual Abuse What you might see:
Sexual behavior way beyond what is expected for the child's age a young child might have sudden, unusual difficulty with toilet habits there may be pain or itching, bruises or bleeding in the genital area The child might tell you.

14 Emotional Abuse Parents’ or caretakers’ acts or omissions that cause or could cause serious conduct, cognitive, affective, or other mental disorder such as torture, close confinement or the constant use of verbally abusive language. Includes emotional neglect - withholding physical and emotional contact to the detriment of the child's normal emotional or even physical development.

15 Emotional Abuse You might see:
A parent who verbally terrorizes the child Who continually and severely criticizes the child who fails to express any affection or nurturing.

16 FAQ Q: What happens next? 
A: Within 24 hours, Child Protective Services begins an investigation. Within 60 days, it determines whether the report is "indicated" or "unfounded." "Indicated" means there is evidence of abuse or neglect, and CPS will recommend a plan for the family.

17 FAQ Q: Do I have to give my name? Will it be confidential? 
A: Reports may be made anonymously by anyone who is not a mandated reporter. Keep in mind, giving your name allows the caseworker to contact you for additional information. By law, CPS may not release the name of the person who made the report. Mandated reporters must give their information.

18 FAQ Q: Will the children be taken away from the home if I report? 
A: Children will be taken into "protective custody" only if they are in immediate danger. Removing children is not a routine occurrence. Unless the child is in serious danger, the goal is to keep the family together.

19 FAQ Q: How will I know what happens after I make a report? 
A: You may not know, except by seeing changes in the child and family. The law requires CPS to work under very strict confidentiality rules. If you think the situation has not changed, or if you know of another incident of abuse or neglect, you may and should make another report to the hotline.

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