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Language Arts 7 Pre-AP Vocabulary

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1 Language Arts 7 Pre-AP Vocabulary
List One March , 2011

2 abate The flood waters abated when the rain stopped. verb
to put an end to or to reduce in intensity to abate is to reduce or diminish something. The flood waters abated when the rain stopped.

3 commiserate Jill commiserated with Jack over the pain in his head.
verb to share in another’s sorrow or disappointment Jill commiserated with Jack over the pain in his head.

4 deprecate verb to belittle or make fun of to cut someone down verbally
to show disapproval Kyle never missed a chance to deprecate his little brother in front of his friends.

5 The teacher should not deprecate his student‘s efforts.
Those who profess to favor freedom, yet deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. Deprecate means to express disapproval of something.

6 ostracize The team ostracized Ralph after he spread false rumors about
verb to exclude or banish to ostracize someone is to exclude him/her from a social circle The team ostracized Ralph after he spread false rumors about the coach.

7 transpire verb to take place that which happens transpires “Harry, please tell the court exactly what transpired on the night Dumbledore died,” asked the Minister of Magic.

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