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August 4, 2015 Special Education “HUDDLE”

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1 August 4, 2015 Special Education “HUDDLE”
11/18/2018 August 4, 2015 Special Education “HUDDLE”

2 Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones); many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 2

3 Introductions 3

4 Today’s Agenda Special Education Discipline Reports
Data Summary Report Indicator 4 Report Year to Year Report Changes to the Report Process for providing explanations for “A” Flag Detail Reports Inconsistency Report Year-to-Year Flag Explanations Answering Flagged Data Special Education End-Of-Year Special Education Discipline 4

QUESTION: In a nutshell, what types of discipline events are reported for students with disabilities? ANSWER: DISCIPLINES (Types of Suspensions/Expulsions) Suspensions (in-school and out-of-school) Expulsions (with and without services) OR UNILATERAL REMOVALS (Special Education Removal) Unilateral Removal by School Personnel Drugs Weapons Serious Bodily Injury Unilateral Removal by a Hearing Officer 5

11/18/2018 MORE ABOUT THE COLLECTION PURPOSE AND CONTENT Section 618(a)(I)(A)(vii) of IDEA requires that states report the number of children with disabilities by: DISABILITY RACE GENDER ELL STATUS Who were subject to: Unilateral Removals by School Personnel for one of the following reasons Drug Weapons Serious Bodily Injury Removal based on a Hearing Officer Determination regarding likely injury Suspension In-School and Out-of-School totaling less than 10 school days and totaling more than 10 school days Expulsions With and without educational services Authorization: P.L , §§ 618 (a)(1)(A)(v), 618(a)(1)(D), 618(a)(1)(E), 618(a)(3), and 618(d)(1)(C); 34 CFR §§ , (b) through (d), , Selected Definitions Dangerous Weapon – A weapon, device, instrument, material, or substance, animate or inanimate, that is used for, or is readily capable of causing death or serious bodily injury, except that such a term does NOT include a pocket knife with a blade of less than 2½ inches in length (18 U.S.C. § 930(g)(2)). Disciplinary Removal – Any instance in which a child is removed from his/her educational placement for disciplinary purposes, including in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, expulsion, removal by school personnel to an interim alternative educational setting for drug or weapon offenses or serious bodily injury, and removal by hearing officer for likely injury to self or others. Drug Offenses – The use, possession, sale, or solicitation of drugs as identified in 21 U.S.C. § 812(c). These offenses do NOT include use, possession, sale, or solicitation of alcohol or tobacco. Expulsion – An action taken by the local educational agency removing a child from his/her regular school for disciplinary purposes for the remainder of the school year or longer in accordance with local educational agency policy. Include removals resulting from violations of the Gun Free Schools Act that are modified to less than 365 days. In-School Suspension – Instances in which a child is temporarily removed from his/her regular classroom(s) for disciplinary purposes but remains under the direct supervision of school personnel. Direct supervision means school personnel are physically in the same location as students under their supervision. 6

7 REPORTING PERIOD The Special Education Discipline data collection
covers the time period of July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 in which an ACTION took place Each record in the Action file represents either a Discipline (Suspension/Expulsion) or a Removal (Unilateral Removal by School Personnel or By a Hearing Officer) 7

8 Reporting Period for Incidents/Actions
11/18/2018 Reporting Period for Incidents/Actions Incidences may span between July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2015 Actions must occur in the current collection period of July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015 8

9 Special Education Discipline Criteria
11/18/2018 Special Education Discipline Criteria Special Education Flag must = Incident Identifier MUST match between the Action and the Incident File. Reports available to identify data reporting inconsistencies Incident Identifier cannot be zero-filled Actions must be between July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015 Incidents must be between July 1, 2013-June 30, 2015 Duplicate records are not allowed Incident Identifier MUST be UNIQUE in the Incident File The System builds off of the Action file so if the Incident Identifier has not been included in the file, records that may have been reported in the Incident file but not in the Action will not make it to the snapshot 9

10 Disciplines vs Removals
11/18/2018 Disciplines vs Removals Either a Discipline is reported or a Removal is Both fields cannot be 00 and both cannot have a valid code Definitions of Disciplines may be found on page 6 of the Discipline Interchange – Action file layout Definitions of Removals may be found starting on page 8 of the Discipline Interchange – Action file layout 10

11 11/18/2018 Programs Vs Schools Either a school will be reported or a valid program. Both fields cannot be zero-filled Both fields cannot have a code Blanks are not allowed 11

12 11/18/2018 What’s New for Program Code field added to both the Incident and Action files (Program Exceptions are no longer required). Districts should work with Administrative Units to determine if a student should be reported in a program as opposed to a school. New Report for Administrative Units to see the status of interchange submissions and errors. Technical Assistance for interchange rules should be directed to CDE New Report for Districts to see Snapshot Errors District and Administrative Unit specific timeline references Single Incidences of ½ will be included. Report them as 0005 please Expanded the definitions in the file layouts to provide additional clarification on Disciplines and Unilateral Removals. Year to Year Report - Adding Expulsions, changing the percentage from 10% to 20% on A Flags, removing B Flags 12

13 Interchanges that make up the Special Education Discipline Snapshot
11/18/2018 Interchanges that make up the Special Education Discipline Snapshot INTERCHANGES Discipline Incident Discipline Data Discipline Action Student Demographics Demographics Student School Association Grades IEP Participation Primary Disability Districts are the Authoratative Source for Demographics and Grades Administrative Units are the Authoritative Source for Primary Disability Special education discipline 13

11/18/2018 IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER Monday, April 27 14-15 snapshot available Thursday, May 14 Interchanges must be successfully uploaded Student, School Association, IEP Participation, Discipline Incident/Action Thursday, June 5 14-15 Special Education Discipline Snapshot created by this date Thursday, June 26 90% of your total record count must be passed Discipline Interchange validations Thursday, August 6 90% of your total records must be passed Special Education Discipline Snapshot validations Thursday, August 18 100 % of your total records must be passed interchange & snapshot validations Report Review August 19-26 ALL Final signed reports received by CDE Submit and finalize data – COLLECTION CLOSES Thursday, August 14

15 ABOUT REPORTS Types of Reports
11/18/2018 ABOUT REPORTS Types of Reports Special Education Director Authorized Reports Data Summary Report (14 pages) Indicator 4 Report Year to Year Report A FLAG – Explanations Required Supportive Reports Inconsistency between Admin Units Detail Reports Reviewing Reports What Reports are Due and When?  15

16 11/18/2018 Where do I find reports Respondents with the SPI role will have access to the Special Education Discipline Reports in COGNOS under Special Education Discipline If you are a Director and do not have the SPI role please work with the respondent responsible for the collection to review the reports. 16

17 11/18/2018 SNAPSHOT REPORTS 17

18 SPED Snapshot Records Before we look at the Authorized Reports let’s look at the SPED Snapshot Records Report This report provides you the detail records that are error free at the interchange and have made it to the snapshot. This is a great report to ensure the data you expect to see has been reported correctly and is all encompassing to the best of your knowledge. 18

19 Special Education Discipline Director Authorized Reports
Data Summary Indicator 4 Year to Year Report Explanations for Flags 19

20 Data Summary Report This report contains the number of children with disabilities (by disability, race/ethnicity, gender, and English Language Learner status ) who were subject to: unilateral removal by school personnel following a drug or weapon offense or serious bodily injury, removal based on a hearing officer determination regarding likely injury, suspension (both In-School and Out-of-School totaling less than 10 school days and totaling more than 10 school days), and expulsion with and without educational services. 20

21 Sections 1 A, B, C. D: Unilateral Removals to an IAES by School Personnel. Section 2: Removals to an IAES Based on a Hearing Office Determination Regarding Likely Injury. 1 Sections 1 A, B, C, D & Section 2 will repeat for Disability, Race/ Ethnicity, Gender, ELL Status. A B C D 2 Report the number of children ages 3-21 who were unilaterally removed for drugs, weapons, serious bodily injury. Children with more than 1 unilateral removal should be counted only once in column 1 A. Report the total number of times the children reported in column 1A were unilaterally removed for Drug offenses. Report the total number of times the children reported in column 1A were unilaterally removed for Weapon offenses. Report the total number of times the children reported in column 1A were unilaterally removed for Serious Bodily Injury offenses. Report the number of children ages 3-21, who were removed to an IAES based on a Hearing Officer Determination of likely injury to themselves or others. Children removed by a hearing officer more than once should be counted only once in column 2. The report will look at the Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category for the Race/Ethnic codes Section A: Disciplinary Removal by Disability. This slide provides information related specifically to Removals Section 1A: Number of Children Unilaterally Removed to an IAES by School Personnel Section 1B: Number of Times students were Unilaterally Removed to an IAES for Drugs Section 1C: Number of Times students were Unilaterally Removed to an IAES for Weapons Section 1D: Number of Times students were Unilaterally Removed to an IAES for Serious Bodily Injury Section 2: Number of Children Removed to an IAES by a Hearing Officer for Serious Bodily Injury Sections 1 & 2 are broken out by Primary Disability, Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting category, Gender, and ELL status If a child reported in column 1A was unilaterally removed to an Interim Alternative Educational Setting more than once then this child should be counted more than once in columns 1B,1C,1D. If, in the course of a single incident, a child committed more than one type of offense, then report the child in each of the appropriate columns. 21

22 Sections 3A and 3B Out-of-School Suspensions and Expulsions totaling 10 days or less or > 10 days respectively. Section 4A and 4B: In-School Suspensions totaling 10 days or less or > 10 days respectively. 3 4 A B A B Sections 3A , 3B, 4A, 4B will repeat for Disability, Race/Ethnicity, Gender, ELL Status. The report will be looking at the Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category for the Race/Ethnic codes. Report the number of children ages 3-21 with Out-of-School Suspensions or Expulsions summing to 10 days or less during the school year for any offense or combination of offenses. No child should be reported more than once in column 3A. Report the number of children ages 3-21 with Out-of-School Suspensions or Expulsions summing to more than 10 days during the school year for any offense or combination of offenses. No child should be reported more than once in column 3B. Report the number of children ages 3-21 with In-School Suspensions summing to 10 days or less during the school year for any offense or combination of offenses. No child should be reported more than once in column 4A. Report the number of children ages 3-21 with In-School Suspensions summing to more than 10 days during the school year for any offense or combination of offenses. No child should be reported more than once in column 4A. Section A: Disciplinary Removal by Disability. This slide provides information related specifically to In-School Suspensions Section 4A and 4B as well as Out-of-School Suspensions and Expulsion Section 3A and 3B. Section 3A: Number of Children with Out-of-School Suspensions and/or Expulsions summing to 10 days or less Section 3B: Number of Children with Out-of-School and/or Expulsions summing to more than 10 days. (This is the column that is used for Indicator 4 calculations of AU rate and significant discrepancy) Section 4A: Number of Children with In-School Suspensions summing to 10 days or less Section 5A: Number of Children with In-School Suspensions summing to more than 10 days Information related to In-School Suspensions, Out-of-School Suspensions/Expulsions is broken down by Primary Disability, Federal Race Reporting Category, Gender, and ELL Status. A child who is subject to both an In-School Suspension and an Out-of-School Suspension for the same offense should be reported in both columns 3 and 4 22

23 Section 5A: Total Disciplinary Removals
Section 5A: Total Disciplinary Removals. 5B: # of Children with Disciplinary Removals totaling 1 Day of Less. 5C: # of Children with Disciplinary Removals totaling 2-10 Days. 5D: # of Children with Disciplinary Removals totaling Greater than 10 Days. 5 A B C D Sections 5A , B, C, D will repeat for Disability, Race/ Ethnicity, Gender, ELL Status. The report will be looking at the Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category for the Race/Ethnic codes. Report the number of times any child with a disability was subject to any of the following disciplinary actions during the school year: In-School Suspensions, Out-of-School Suspensions, Expulsion, Removals by School Personnel to an IAES or by a Hearing Officer. Report any child whose cumulative length of removal during the school year totaled 1 day. Report any child whose cumulative length of removal during the school year totaled between 2 and 10 days. Report any child whose cumulative length of removal during the school year totaled more than 10 days. Section A: Disciplinary Removal by Disability. Includes 1.5 cumulative length of removal during the school year . This slide provides information shows ALL disciplinary incidences including Unilateral Removals by School Personnel, Unilateral Removals by a Hearing Officer, In-School Suspensions, Out-of-School Suspensions and Expulsions and broken down by Primary Disability, Federal Race Reporting Category, Gender, and ELL Status. Section5A: Number of Times child was subject to any disciplinary action Section 5B: Report of Children with cumulative length of removal for any disciplinary incident during the reporting period totaling 1 day Section 5C: Report on Children with cumulative length of removal for any disciplinary incident during the reporting period totaling 2-10 days. (Please pay special attention to Column 5 C = 2-10 days which includes 1.5 cumulative length of removal during the school year). Section 5D: Report on Children with cumulative length of removal for any disciplinary incident during the reporting period totaling greater than 10 days. All children reported in columns 5B through 5D should have one or more disciplinary removals reported in column 5A. The sum of 5B, 5C, and 5D is the total number of children with one or more disciplinary removals during the school year. Each child reported in columns 1A, 2,3 or4 should be reported only ONCE in column 5B, 5C, or 5D, based on the cumulative number of days the child was removed during the school year. 23

24 Section E: Children Subject to Expulsions: 6A: Received Education Services During Expulsion. 6B: Did NOT receive Educational Services During Expulsion. 6 A B Report the number of children with disabilities ages 3-21 who were subject to expulsion during the school year and who received educational services during the expulsion. Report the number of children with disabilities ages 3-21 who were subject to expulsion during the school year and did NOT receive educational services during the expulsion. Incidences of Expulsions where the student did NOT receive services reported in the Discipline collection will be cross referenced with students reports with a Basis of EOY Student Collection. Exit Code 50 – Expulsions in the SPED. Section E: Children Subject to Expulsion With and Without Educational Services by Disability Status This slide provides the data relative to Expulsions with services and without services. Section 6A: Report of children who were subject to expulsion during the reporting period and received educational services during the expulsion Section 6B: Report of children who were subject to expulsion during the reporting period and did NOT receive educational services during the expulsion. CDE will be contacting Aus in regard to discrepancies in reporting’s of expulsions reported in the Special Education Discipline collection as well as the Special Education EOY collection. Children with disabilities must receive services during any suspension or expulsion of more than 10 school days. The only children with disabilities who should be reported in column 6b are those who were removed for less than 10 school days after an expulsion (e.g. children with disabilities expelled under the Gun-Free Schools Act who expulsions were modified to less than 10 school days). Children with disabilities must receive educational services during any suspension or expulsion of more than 10 school days. The only children with disabilities who should be reported in column 6B are those who were removed for less than 10 school days after an expulsion (e.g., children with disabilities expelled under the Gun-Fee Schools Act whose expulsions were modified to less than 10 school days). 24

25 Wet Signature from the Special Education Director Date of Signature
Signature Page: Wet Signature from the Special Education Director Date of Signature CERTIFICATION: I certify that the children reported represent an accurate account of all children in special education with disciplinary removals throughout the school year and that these data are valid and reliable. I understand that a portion of these data will be used to calculate suspension/expulsion rates (Part B SPP Indicator 4) for my Administrative Unit/State Operated Program. By authorizing this report, you are confirming in writing that the data reported is both valid and reliable. REMINDER: When you send in the Data Summary Report, please send the 14 page report in it’s entirety. By authorizing this report, you are confirming in writing that the data reported is both valid and reliable. 25

26 Indicator 4 Percent of districts that have a significant discrepancy in the rate of suspensions and expulsions of greater than 10 days in a school year for children with IEPs (20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(A)) Indicator 4a takes the number of students an AU has reported as being suspended or expelled for greater than 10 days and uses December count population numbers to determine a rate at which students are being removed for greater than 10 days. All AU rates are then used to devise a state median rate for removals. The median is multiplied by 6 yielding the rate that if AUs fall above the median times 6, they are identified as having a significant discrepancy. Being identified as being significantly discrepant may trigger a review of policies, procedures and practices. Indicator 4a is a performance indicator. However, the AU must submit valid data in regards to student disciplinary removals. Indicator 4b takes the same data set and examines it by race/ethnicity. Numbers of removals by race/ethnicity are compared to the total special education population for the same race/ethnicity. Significantly discrepant is any AU that has 10% more removals by race/ethnicity than there is in the entire special education population. AUs having significantly discrepant numbers of removals by race/ethnicity will have a review of policies, procedures and practices. Indicator 4b is a compliance indicator and the target is set at 0%. 26

27 Indicator 4 Detail Listing
CERTIFICATION: I certify that the children reported represent an accurate account of all children in special education who were removed for greater than 10 school days throughout the school year and that these data are valid and reliable. I understand that a portion of these data will be used to calculate suspension/expulsion rates (Part B SPP Indicator 4) for my Administrative Unit. This report is the Indicator 4 Detail Listing that requires a signature by the Special Education Director and must be sent into CDE by 3:00 pm August 28th. You just need to send in the last page with the signature. Because there is student data on this report, please black out the last name of students before faxing, thank you. To validate Indicator 4 data, whether it be this report or the previous data summary report specific to column 3B – suspensions/expulsions greater than 10 days, check that first, the student information is correct. The race/ethnicity, disability and gender must be accurate. Next check the length of days and verify that the length of removal is the same as what actually occurred for the student. If you find the data to be incorrect, you have until August 29th to correct it. By authorizing this report, you are confirming in writing that the data reported is both valid and reliable. 27


29 YEAR TO YEAR REPORT Breaks data down by: Disability ALL Ethnicity
11/18/2018 YEAR TO YEAR REPORT Breaks data down by: Disability ALL Ethnicity RACE: American Indian, Asian, Black, White, Native Hawaiian Gender ELL Status A – Reflects a significant number (+ / - 20) and percent change (+/-20) from the prior year. 29

New Process for providing explanations and uploading reports. See section Year-to-Year Flag Explanations of this webinar for more information 30

31 Detail Reports Available
Access reports from COGNOS under Special Education Discipline Disciplinary Removals Out-of-School Suspensions or Expulsions & In-School Suspensions Detail Report in Excel Unilateral Removals to an IAES Children Subject to Expulsion If a student had 2 expulsions you will see them twice in the Detail report but 1 time in the Data Summary Report column 6 page 13 31

32 11/18/2018 Inconsistency in Data Students Reported Inconsistently by more than 1 Admin Unit/SOP Name Federal Race/Ethnicity Reporting Category ELL Status Gender Primary Disability Differences could be valid OR misreported 32

33 11/18/2018 Reviewing Reports From COGNOS you have the ability to download the reports in HTML, PDF, XML, EXCEL You’ll want to choose PDF for the signed reports If you find incorrect data, please modify the data in the interchange file, re-upload the file, re”Create” a snapshot, and download the report again. 33

11/18/2018 SPECIAL EDUCATION DISCIPLINE REPORT RELATED DEADLINES Tuesday, August 18, 2015 Date by which you must have generated your complete Special Education Discipline Snapshot dataset by passing all interchange and snapshot validations in preparation for report review. Wednesday, August 19-August 26, 2015 Report review week. Review reports in detail and make any data corrections deemed necessary to ensure you are reporting valid and reliable data Thursday, August 26, 2015 Final report review AND approval 34

35 August 26th, 2015 Deadline Final report review AND approval.
11/18/2018 August 26th, 2015 Deadline Final report review AND approval. Date by which the Administrative Unit must approve their completed Special Education Discipline Data Collection Snapshot and electronically SUBMIT the data to CDE via the Data Pipeline, verifying that it’s valid and reliable by ing or faxing in the signed Data Summary Report (all 14 pages), Indicator 4 Report, and the Year to Year Report along with explanations for A& B Flags. Send in ALL Signed reports to the Data Management System. Submit to CDE and Approve! 35

36 11/18/2018 Technical Assistance the team at Remember to include AU and District Number, Collection, and Subject with technical issues and copy the team. Just a phone call away Kristi Lindsey 36

37 Year-to-Year Flag Explanations
EOY and Special Education Discipline: Answering Flagged Data August 2015

38 Discipline: Important Dates To Remember
Monday, April 27 14-15 snapshot available Thursday, May 14 Interchanges must be submitted Thursday, June 5 14-15 Special Education Discipline Snapshot created by this date Thursday, June 26 90% of your total record count must be passed Discipline Interchange validations Thursday, August 6 90% of your total records must be passed Special Education Discipline Snapshot validations Thursday, August 18 100 % of your total records must be passed interchange & snapshot validations Report Review August 19-26 ALL Final signed reports received by CDE Submit and finalize data – COLLECTION CLOSES Thursday, August 38

39 Tuesday Sept. 22-Friday Oct. 2, 2015
EOY: Important Dates To Remember Thursday April 30, 2015 14-15 snapshot available Wednesday July 8, 2015 IEP Interchange errors resolved Wednesday July 15, 2015 At least one Special Education EOY Snapshot created by this date Tuesday Sept. 8, 2015 All exception requests received by CDE Tuesday Sept. 15, 2015 All errors resolved: interchange and snapshot. Data review Sept Make sure to review exit information. Tuesday Sept. 22-Friday Oct. 2, 2015 AUs make changes to resolve duplicates Final Report Review October 5-9 ALL Final signed reports received by CDE Submit and finalize data – COLLECTION CLOSES Tuesday Oct. 13, 2015 39

40 Collection Process Overview
Schools Track data throughout school year Provide data to Admin Unit/SOP Admin Unit/SOP Combines data from schools. Determines the appropriate coding for each record. Reports data to CDE Verifies accuracy, corrects and approves data. CDE via Data Pipeline Collects data from Admin Unit/SOP Checks data for accuracy Edits data, all errors must be corrected Allows approval once passed all edits Federal Government CDE Reviews and validates data and submits to U.S. Department of Education Admin Unit/SOPs collect data from schools and/or member districts. Data is compiled at the AU level and submitted to the CDE via the Data Pipeline.

41 Data Pipeline Reports Directors have to approve a number of reports every year. These reports are generated through pipeline and typically are pulled by the AU’s data respondent. In-depth technical assistance and trainings for pulling these reports can be found here:

42 Example of a EOY Report Flag
The count has changed by at least 20 The % has changed by at least 20 &

43 Flag Both Discipline and EOY may have flags on the Year to Year Comparison Reports The criteria for flags has changed to increase the relevancy of explanations. Now Items will only flag when: The count has changed by at least 20 students AND The percentage has changed by at least 20% This reflects current reporting requirements by OSEP

44 Flag Explanations AUs are required to submit an explanation for each flag. Use the flag explanation templates in the technical assistance document here.

45 Flag Explanation Templates
Flag Explanations TA Document Flag Explanation Templates

46 Flag Explanations We need AUs’ explanations to:
Identify the best practices and support needs in the field To report the state-level year-to-year differences to OSEP We appreciate explanations with: Great details Cause and effect (e.g., program implementation, unusual mobility) Category Flagged Inadequate Explanation Informative Explanation (5B) Disciplinary Removal: 1 Day (increase) We did increase district-wide in those students who had removals of 1 day. We had an increase in this number because of the increase in marijuana related offenses which included students in Special Education. As a result, we are having targeted training on manifestation determinations.

47 Flag Explanations Categories can be grouped (more than one category can be listed in the box) if they are closely related to the same explanation. This is to avoid copy and pasting the same explanation in multiple places. Example: Category Flagged Count Difference from Last Year Percentage Difference from Last Year (5B) Disciplinary Removal: 1 Day (5C) Disciplinary Removal: 2-10 Days (3A) Out-of-school suspensions: 10 Days or Less 27 -45 -25 33% -21% -24% Explanation We believe the decrease in 3A and 5C are due to an increased focus on training and implementation of behavioral interventions for students, which builds capacity within schools to manage student behaviors in a more positive manner. The increase in 5B reflects a shift from extended removals to shorter removals as the severity of behavior issues has decreased due to the training and implementation of our positive behavior program.

48 Completing Flag Explanations
Please use the second page of the technical assistance document to give us explanations for each flag. Copy and paste the templates on a new sheet as needed. This page should then be uploaded on to the Data Management System along with other signed reports.

49 Uploading to the Data Management System
Log into the Data Management System Click “IEP Interchange” here

50 Uploading to the Data Management System
From the Overview, select Profile

51 Upload to the Profile tab by selecting “Upload Attachment”

52 Select “Browse” and find your flag explanation document and signed reports
Label your file “Discipline Flag Explanations ” or “EOY Flag Explanations ” Select the current date. Save

53 Flow of Reports Submission
Download the reports from Pipeline and make sure all the reported numbers are accurate Sign the reports and scan them Download the Year to Year Flag Explanation tech document (here) Explain the flagged count differences using the templates in the tech document Upload the followings to the profile tab of the Data Management System (here) Signed and scanned reports Filled out year to year explanation templates

54 11/18/2018 If you find you need further assistance, please feel free to contact the data team at ESSU. Orla Bolger Senior Consultant, Data Team, State Collections, Data Pipeline, and Data Queries Miki Imura Supervisor of Data Accountability & Achievement, Results Driven Accountability Alyssa Ohleyer Accountability Specialist, Data Team, Results Driven Accountability

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