Confucius Changes China

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1 Confucius Changes China

2 Objectives Describe characteristics of Confucius that made him a teacher Identify some of his teachings and describe their impact on China Evaluate the achievements of the Han dynasty

3 Shihaungdi’s Dynasty was Overthrown…
Rebel armies were led by a farmer-turned- general called Han Gaozu (gow-zoo) Family began the Han dynasty in 206 B.C. and would rule China for 400 years During the Han dynasty, China expanded to what is now Korea and Vietnam

4 The Han Dynasty

5 Shihaungdi’s Ideals Lived by the idea that a ruler should be able to do whatever he chooses Han rulers had different ideas about the government Their thoughts were based on the teachers of a man named Confucius

6 Confucius Like the Buddha, Confucius lived through an age of warfare and conflict Confucius suggested a different, more peaceful way of living Like the Buddha, he won many followers during and after his lifetime UNLIKE the Buddha, Confucius’s ideas would not start a new religion

7 Confucius Parents died when he was young
Had a passion for learning – this helped Confucius to get a job in government

8 The Followers of Confucius
Confucius’s ideas were later called Confucianism Taught that Chinese culture had lost its traditions According to Confucius, ancient traditions had once made society just and good Through education, Confucius said, people from rulers to farmers could learn how to become good people once again

9 Confucianism Central idea: have respect within the family
Idea is also applied to the government Just as a child must respect his or her parent, so must a subject respect his or her ruler Believed emperors received the right to rule from the gods (the Mandate of Heaven)

10 The Mandate of Heaven This command echoed the Shang belief that the gods spoke to kings through oracle bones Confucius’s thoughts were recorded by his students in a book called The Analects The Analects are selected writings

11 Read Excerpt of the Analects on page 175

12 Think: How does God look at a man like confucius?

13 Rise of the Han Dyansty Confucianism was accepted (it was not under Shihuangdi – it challenged his power!) Han emperors wanted a way to rule more fairly They also wanted to lessen the power of the nobles

14 Han Dynasty Kept the Qin dynasty’s system of government
Gave government jobs to educated people (rather than to just nobles) Wudi (woo-dee) was the first emperor of the Han dynasty

15 Emperor Wudi Created schools to prepare students for government service Schools were run by Confucian teachers

16 The Grand School Under Wudi’s government, schools were set up in each province (or state) Very good students were sent to the empire’s best school, the Grand School Only 50 students were allowed at the Grand School under Wudi’s rule, but after Wudi as many as 30,000 were at the school

17 The Grand School For one year children learned about China’s poetry, history, proper behavior, and folk songs These had all been preserved by Confucius At the end of the year, students at this school took a long test If they passed, they earned jobs as government workers or teachers in province schools

18 Paper Confucian emphasis on education brought increased knowledge and discovery in the Han dynasty Han craftworkers invented paper! Made paper by pounding bark of mulberry trees

19 Seismograph Han inventors created the Seismograph – a machine used to detect earthquakes The Han could learn about an earthquake as soon as it happened They could immediately send supplies to the damaged area

20 Sum it Up Confucian ideas about duty and education influenced life during the Han dynasty The Han emperor Wudi started Confucian schools in order to educate government workers The Han dynasty produced many great achievements in science, mathematics, the arts, and trade As in earlier dynasties, farmers during the Han dynasty produced the food and goods that brought China great wealth

21 Think About It What did Confucius believe was the duty of a ruler? What are three ways Confucius defined the goodness in people? How did Confucianism affect life during the Han dynasty?

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