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Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2.

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1 Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2

2 Alliances People Places Treaties Russia Vocab. Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

3 Britain, France and Russia were part of this political alliance
$100 Britain, France and Russia were part of this political alliance

4 $100 Triple Entente Scores

5 $200 Italy, Austria-Hungary and Germany were part of this political alliance

6 $200 Triple Alliance Scores

7 Italy fought for this side at the end of the war
$300 Italy fought for this side at the end of the war

8 $300 Allies Scores

9 Japan fought for this side during the war
$400 Japan fought for this side during the war

10 $400 Allies Scores

11 $500 Germany asked Mexico to attack this country with the promise to regain former Mexican land

12 $500 U.S. Scores

13 The ruler of Germany during WWI.
$100 The ruler of Germany during WWI.

14 $100 Kaiser Wilhelm II Scores

15 Clemenceau, Wilson, Orlando and George were known as this.
$200 Clemenceau, Wilson, Orlando and George were known as this.

16 $200 The Big 4 Scores

17 $300 This plan was to beat the French 1st quickly and then turn around to beat the Russians

18 $300 Schlieffen Plan Scores

19 $400 This German Secretary sent a note to Mexico wanting them to attack the U.S.

20 $400 Arthur Zimmerman Scores

21 Gavrilo Princip assassinated these two people in Sarajevo
$500 Gavrilo Princip assassinated these two people in Sarajevo

22 Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife
$500 Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Scores

23 The treaty to end WWI was signed here
$100 The treaty to end WWI was signed here

24 $100 Versailles Scores

25 The British introduced the tank here
$200 The British introduced the tank here

26 $200 Somme Valley Scores

27 $300 The French stopped the invading Germans here making them fight the war on two fronts.

28 $300 1st Battle of the Marne Scores

29 During the Gallipoli Campaign, the Allies attacked the Ottomans here.
$400 During the Gallipoli Campaign, the Allies attacked the Ottomans here.

30 $400 Dardenelles Scores

31 The “powder keg of Europe”
$500 The “powder keg of Europe”

32 $500 Balkan Peninsula Scores

33 This is the treaty that ended the war.
$100 This is the treaty that ended the war.

34 $100 Treaty of Versailles Scores

35 This Allied country did not sign the Treaty of Versailles
$200 This Allied country did not sign the Treaty of Versailles

36 $200 The U.S. Scores

37 This treaty stopped the fighting between Russia and Germany
$300 This treaty stopped the fighting between Russia and Germany

38 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
$300 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Scores

39 These people ran the colonies once controlled by the Germans
$400 These people ran the colonies once controlled by the Germans

40 $400 League of Nations Scores

41 $500 These two countries were the most disappointed after the war, because they did not think they received enough compensation for fighting

42 $500 Italy and Japan Scores

43 A local council of soldiers, peasants and workers
$100 A local council of soldiers, peasants and workers

44 $100 Soviet Scores

45 The group responsible for the Revolution in 1917
$200 The group responsible for the Revolution in 1917

46 Daily Double

47 $200 Bolsheviks Scores

48 World War I ended for the Russians with the signing of this treaty
$300 World War I ended for the Russians with the signing of this treaty

49 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
$300 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Scores

50 $400 Provisional government set up by these people after Nicholas II stepped down

51 $400 Duma Scores

52 The moderate revolutionaries in Russia
$500 The moderate revolutionaries in Russia

53 $500 Mensheviks Scores

54 List 3 new weapons of World War I
$100 List 3 new weapons of World War I

55 $100 Tanks, planes, machine guns, nerve gas(mustard and chlorine), flamethrower, trench warfare and U-boats, zeppelins Scores

56 Countries devote the entire effort to the war
$200 Countries devote the entire effort to the war

57 $200 Total war Scores

58 $300 One-sided information used to persuade, keep up morale and support for the war

59 $300 Propaganda Scores

60 Buying/using small amounts of goods
$400 Buying/using small amounts of goods

61 $400 Rationing Scores

62 $500 Russia had not yet done this, so their troops were constantly short on supplies

63 $500 Industrialized Scores

64 Vocab. Russia Post-War stuff Battles Places People Round 1 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Final Jeopardy $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 Scores $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000

65 $200 Took over after Lenin

66 $200 Stalin Scores

67 $400 The alliance among the countries in the USSR rivaling NATO

68 $400 Warsaw Pact Scores

69 $600 This was the principle reason for Nicholas II being removed from office.

70 $600 World War I Scores

71 $800 This person was responsible for the Great Purge, these people were victims

72 $800 Stalin, Communists Scores

73 Russia was allowed to take these countries after Hitler invaded Poland
$1000 Russia was allowed to take these countries after Hitler invaded Poland

74 $1000 Baltic countries Scores

75 Name of Treaty signed after WWI
$200 Name of Treaty signed after WWI

76 $200 Versailles Scores

77 Daily Double

78 This was established as the “world’s police force” after World War II.
$400 This was established as the “world’s police force” after World War II.

79 $400 United Nations Scores

80 Names of the leaders that met after World War I.
$600 Names of the leaders that met after World War I.

81 Big 4, Wilson, Clemenceau, Churchill, Orlando
$600 Big 4, Wilson, Clemenceau, Churchill, Orlando Scores

82 These two groups fought for control of China after World War II.
$800 These two groups fought for control of China after World War II.

83 Communists and Nationalists
$800 Communists and Nationalists Scores

84 $1000 Name of treaty that said all nations would not use war as foreign policy

85 $1000 Kellog-Briand Pact Scores

86 World War II started when…
$200 World War II started when…

87 Germany invaded Poland
$200 Germany invaded Poland Scores

88 Turning point in the battle in the Pacific
$400 Turning point in the battle in the Pacific

89 $400 Midway Scores

90 Name of Hitler’s battle plan for the Russians
$600 Name of Hitler’s battle plan for the Russians

91 $600 Operation Barbarossa

92 Operation Overlord took place in this country
$800 Operation Overlord took place in this country

93 $800 France Scores

94 The turning point in the World War II for Russia.
$1000 The turning point in the World War II for Russia.

95 $1000 Stalingrad Scores

96 Name one Nazi extermination camp
$200 Name one Nazi extermination camp

97 $200 Auschwitz Scores

98 The Suez Canal connects these two seas.
$400 The Suez Canal connects these two seas.

99 $400 Red and Mediterranean

100 Daily Double

101 Rommel was sent here to bail out the Italians
$600 Rommel was sent here to bail out the Italians

102 $600 Northern Africa Scores

103 British appeasement of Hitler took place at this conference
$800 British appeasement of Hitler took place at this conference

104 $800 Munich Scores

105 Introduction of the tank took place here.
$1000 Introduction of the tank took place here.

106 $1000 Somme Valley Scores

107 German general’s attack plan for World War I.
$200 German general’s attack plan for World War I.

108 $200 Schlieffen Scores

109 These two powers made up the Central Alliance
$400 These two powers made up the Central Alliance

110 Germany and Austria-Hungary
$400 Germany and Austria-Hungary Scores

111 $600 This president came up with a plan for those countries that resisted communism.

112 Truman/ Truman Doctrine
$600 Truman/ Truman Doctrine Scores

113 Name of Germany’s government after World War I.
$800 Name of Germany’s government after World War I.

114 $800 Weimar Republic Scores

115 The Atlantic charter was an agreement between these two men.
$1000 The Atlantic charter was an agreement between these two men.

116 $1000 FDR and Churchill Scores

117 Sense of pride in one’s country
$200 Sense of pride in one’s country

118 $200 Nationalism Scores

119 German attack strategy for World War II
$400 German attack strategy for World War II

120 $400 Blitzkrieg Scores

121 U.S. foreign policy after WWI
$600 U.S. foreign policy after WWI

122 $600 Isolationist Scores

123 Hitler’s answer to “Jew Problem”
$800 Hitler’s answer to “Jew Problem”

124 $800 Final Solution Scores

125 Agreement to stop fighting
$1000 Agreement to stop fighting

126 $1000 Armistice Scores

127 Final Jeopary Question
Jeopardy Battles Final Jeopary Question Scores

128 Explain how you beat someone in a well-fortified trench in rain-soaked terrain during WWI.

129 You don’t Scores

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