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The Great War CausesLeadersU.S. Involvement Box of Chocolate Chocolate is Fat free 10 20 30 40 50.

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2 The Great War CausesLeadersU.S. Involvement Box of Chocolate Chocolate is Fat free 10 20 30 40 50

3 Franz Ferdinand DAILY DOUBLE WHAT DO YOU WAGER? What leader was assassinated to help start the war?

4 The concept that a nation will pursue what is best for them at the cost of other nations is? Nationalism

5 Alliances Once Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, what allowed all the other nations to be brought into the war?

6 What organization was to blame for the assassination of Austria’s heir? The Black Hand

7 What area of France did Germany and France both claim since both languages was spoken in that area? Alsace- Lorraine

8 United States Woodrow Wilson

9 Russia- Before Russian Revolution Tsar Nicolas II

10 Germany Kaiser Wilhelm II

11 Russia- Post Bolshevik Revolution Vladimir Lenin

12 Led the United States troops in WW I John “Blackjack” Pershing

13 British ship which was sank carrying 128 Americans Lusitania

14 What event resulted in the removal of Tsar Nicolas from power? Russian Revolution

15 Germany promised to stop unconditional sinking of ships after it sank a French ship, which caused the U.S. to threaten to cut ties. What was the agreement they made to stop, but later broke? Sussex Pledge

16 Name of German Foreign Secretary that sent telegram encouraging Mexico to attack the United States- 10 Extra Game Points for first name Arthur Zimmerman

17 What percentage of Allied deaths did the United States suffer? 2 %

18 Besides World War I, what was this war known as? The Great War War to End All Wars

19 Name that Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Ottoman Empire Central Powers

20 Name that Alliance: Russia, Britain, and France Triple Entente

21 What was the name given to the United States force during WWI? American Expeditionary Force

22 What did the Selective Service Act do? Started Draft

23 Name of German plan to quickly defeat the French before focusing on the Russians Schlieffen

24 From what nation did Austria- Hungary believe the assassin came from? Serbia

25 DAILY DOUBLE What do you wager? What happened on the 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour? Armistice

26 What was the official name of the peace treaty that ended The Great War? Treaty of Versailles

27 What organization did Wilson want established to solve international problems peacefully? League of Nations

28 Final Jeopardy Battle Fronts What do you wager?

29 Name the THREE fronts (main fighting areas) of The Great War Western Front, Eastern Front, and Southern Front FINAL JEOPARDY

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