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Presentation on theme: "The Ixworth school GCSE SUCCESS EVENING"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ixworth school GCSE SUCCESS EVENING
AIM: To support and challenge students to make their GCSE experience the very best it can be in terms of well-being and attainment!

2 The Ixworth school GCSE SUCCESS EVENING
‘Start with the end in mind’



5 MOCK EXAMINATIONS In their GCSEs... Immediately after half term
February 2018 Walking, talking, mocks Year 10: practice questions; w/c 3rd June – 2 weeks

6 THE CHALLENGE … In their GCSE years students face a range of challenging situations: social, academic, emotional… One of the greatest challenges is understanding and maintaining the long term engagement and commitment GCSE examinations require. Parent/ carers are a key source of support on this journey.

7 PRACTICALITIES What? Completion of homework, regular revision, examination preparation across all GCSE subjects; Where? Work space at home and other possible settings; When? Planning, revision timetables, balancing social and study time; How? Show My Homework, subject specific revision resources, different revision methods;

8 THE REALITY There’s always work to be done; Revision is active;
Time away from studying is vital; Talk it through; Everyone needs support at some time;

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