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Time of Conflict.

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1 Time of Conflict

2 Vocabulary Tribute Impressment War Hawks nationalism neutral rights

3 Americans in Foreign Seas
The livelihood of many Americans depended on trade w/ foreign nations in the early 1800’s. 1785 the American ship Empress of China returned to NY from China w/ cargo of silk & tea returning great profits.

4 Americans in Foreign Seas
Soon after that ships were sailing to China & India carrying furs & other goods. Eventually American Merchant ships sailed to South America, Africa, and lands along the Mediterranean Sea.

5 Americans in Foreign Seas
The war btx Britain & France in the 1790’s gave an additional boost to American shipping. France & Britain kept their merchant ships in port for fear of them being captured.

6 Americans in Foreign Seas
As a result the U.S. had over 1,000 ships trading around the world.

7 Barbary Pirates Sailing in foreign seas had its dangers especially in the Mediterranean area. Muslim pirate ships and crews from the North African states of Tripoli, Tunis, Morocco, and Algiers (the Barbary Coast) were the scourge of the Mediterranean.

8 Barbary Pirates These pirates would be known as the Barbary Coast Pirates. They had been terrorizing the Med region for many years. They demanded tribute or protection money from European governments to let their ships pass safely.

9 Barbary Pirates More than two hundred years ago the newly established United States made its first attempt to fight an overseas battle to protect its private citizens by building an international coalition against an unconventional enemy.

10 Barbary Pirates Capturing merchant ships and holding their crews for ransom provided the rulers of these nations with wealth and naval power.

11 Barbary Pirates In fact, the Roman Catholic Religious Order of Mathurins had operated from France for centuries with the special mission of collecting and disbursing funds for the relief and ransom of prisoners of these Mediterranean pirates.

12 Barbary Pirates Before the United States obtained its independence, , American merchant ships and sailors had been protected from the ravages of the North African pirates by the naval and diplomatic power of Great Britain.

13 Barbary Pirates British naval power and the tribute or subsidies Britain paid to the Muslim pirate states protected American vessels and crews.

14 Barbary Pirates During the Revolution, the ships of the United States were protected by the 1778 alliance with France, which required the French nation to protect "American vessels and effects against all violence, insults, attacks, or depredations, on the part of the said Muslim Princes and States of Barbary or their subjects."

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