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Aim: How did Foreign Affairs Affect Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency? Do Now: Why was the election of 1800 considered a “Revolution”?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How did Foreign Affairs Affect Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency? Do Now: Why was the election of 1800 considered a “Revolution”?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How did Foreign Affairs Affect Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency? Do Now: Why was the election of 1800 considered a “Revolution”?

2 Setting the Stage… During Thomas Jefferson’s two-term presidency, 1801-1809, he was faced with issues while still trying to keep a new-born America out of war. Abroad, Barbary Pirates from North Africa were enslaving American sailors while war between Britain and France threatened American neutrality once again.

3 The Barbary War (Tripolitan War, 1801) Issue: Pirates from N. Africa were enslaving American sailors. Washington and Adams had paid tribute in exchange for protection on the seas. In 1801, Jefferson refused to pay an increased tribute to Tripoli and war was declared. 1805, America defeated Tripoli.

4 War With Tripoli The Barbary Coast is located along the coast of North Africa. The Barbary States, sometimes known as the Berber States, include Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli. These countries are Islamic nations that belong to the larger Ottoman Empire. Before the American Revolution, these countries were held at bay by the British Navy, who protected American ships. After the war, Washington and Adams were forced to pay tribute for the safety of American merchants.

5 The Embargo Act, 1807 Britain and France were at war again in 1803. British began impressing American sailors into the British Navy. Jefferson issued the Embargo Act of 1807 to hurt British trade but it only hurt American commerce.

6 British Impressment of American Sailors

7 The Embargo Act of 1807

8 The Non-Intercourse Act of 1809 Repealed the disastrous Embargo Act of 1807. Opened trade will all nations except France and Britain to help the American economy.

9 The Presidencies of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson John AdamsThomas Jefferson Size/Strength of Government: Federalist, believed in stronger central government. Democratic-Republican, weaker central government. Size of Army and Navy:Increased to deal with French Navy. Decreased to lower taxes. Initially good but caused future problems. Taxes:Higher taxes to pay for the expansion of the government, army and navy. Lower taxes because he believed in smaller government. Foreign Issues:France and the XYZ AffairThe Barbary War British Impressments

10 Key Questions Why did the Barbary war begin? How did it end? What does the term impressment mean? How did Thomas Jefferson respond to British impressment? Was this response successful? Why did the Non-Intercourse Act help American trade? How did international problems affect Thomas Jefferson’s presidency?

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