The Hero’s Journey Joseph Campbell.

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Presentation on theme: "The Hero’s Journey Joseph Campbell."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Hero’s Journey Joseph Campbell

2 Background American mythologist born in 1904
Best known for his work in comparative religion and comparative mythology Professor, writer, lecturer, and master storyteller

3 Monomyth Campbell’s concept of the monomyth (one myth) refers to his theory that sees all mythic narratives as variations of a single great story. Common patterns exist beneath the stories of most great myths, regardless of their origin or time of creation. The central pattern most studied by Campbell is often referred to as the hero's journey.

4 The Hero’s Journey Campbell first outlined and explained the archetypal hero’s journey in his book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces. (1949) It has become one of the most influential books of the 20th century.

5 The Hero’s Journey Monomyth
The hero’s journey unfolds in a series of stages that fall in a consistent pattern across time and cultures.


7 Archetypal Characters
Hero Mentor Threshold Guardian Herald Shapeshifter Shadow Trickster

8 The Purpose of the Hero Gives the audience a window into the story
Has qualities that we all can recognize in ourselves. To be loved and understood To succeed To survive To be free To get revenge To right wrongs To seek self-expression

9 Mentor Usually a positive figure who aids or trains the hero
Wise Old Man or Wise Old Woman Expressed through all characters who teach and protect heroes

10 Threshold Guardians Obstacles on the road to adventure
Powerful guardians at the threshold placed to keep the unworthy from entering Not the main villain or antagonist

11 Threshold Guardians May represent the ordinary obstacles we face every day in life Bad weather Bad luck Prejudice Oppression Hostile People Stand for our internal demons Emotional scars Vices Dependencies Self-Limitations

12 Herald Usually issues challenges and announces the coming of significant change Delivers the Call to Adventure Positive, negative, or neutral figures Psychological Function: Call for Change Dream Figure Real Person New Idea Encounter Dramatic Function: Motivation Offers the hero a challenge and gets the story rolling

13 Shapeshifter Primary characteristic is that they change from the hero’s point of view Dazzle and confuse the hero rather than try to kill him or her Can include characters that change their own archetype

14 Shadow Represents the energy of the dark side, the unexpressed, unrealized , or rejected aspects of something. Suppressed monsters of the inner world Things we don’t like about ourselves

15 Trickster Embodies the energies of mischief and desire for change
Natural Enemies of the status quo Psychological Function Cut big egos Point out folly and hypocrisy Bring about healthy change and transformation Dramatic Function: Comic Relief

16 The Hero’s Journey

17 Glove and Boots Present: The Hero’s Journey
Herald Mentor Threshold guardians Tricksters Shape-shifter Shadow

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