Changing Your World: Investigating Empowerment

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1 Changing Your World: Investigating Empowerment
Social Studies 7 Changing Your World: Investigating Empowerment

2 Possession of control , authority , or influence over others
Unit: 1 Empowerment What does power mean? Possession of control , authority , or influence over others

3 What kinds of power can you think of?

4 Power Physical Intellectual Economic

5 Social/Class Cultural Political

6 Technological Gender/Age

7 What is Empowerment? People who are empowered feel they have a lot of control over their lives. This control comes from the fact they are able to make choices about important things such as deciding on a career or a place to live. They have the authority to make these important decisions and the power to carry them out.

8 Personal Empowerment is…
Having the ability to do something about your needs, wants, opinions, beliefs, and feelings. Empowerment can mean different things for people. Ex. Empower=Independence Empower=Helping family Empower=Helping community Empower=Balance of all

9 Authority Can you think of any other EXAMPLES?
Gives a person the right to make decisions in a particular situation. There are people in our lives who have the right to make decisions that affect us. Ex. parents, coaches, teachers, etc. People can get authority in various ways. (A group of people might agree to give it to them) Can you think of any other EXAMPLES?

10 Legal Authority Ex. Police officers Group discussion :
Legal authority gives people the right to make decisions in a particular situation. Ex. Police officers Group discussion : 1. Why do we need to have some people in authority? 2. What do you think would happen if we did not?

11 Canada’s Constitution
-A constitution is a set of rules that a government must follow. - In Canada, our constitution protects us from being harmed in any way. Charter of Rights and Freedoms -This part of our constitution outlines our most important rights and freedoms for all Canadians. -All government laws apply to everyone equally. -Protects us from unfair laws and actions by even the police. Ex. The Charter says when a person is arrested, the police must state a reason.

12 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Look at the bottom of Pg. 6 In your textbook


14 Personal Empowerment Activity
What can you do to build your own personal empowerment? Ex. Get an education In your notebook, write down other examples of how you can gain personal empowerment.

15 Personal Empowerment Activity
Here are some ways to achieve personal empowerment. Learn all you can Work Know your rights and responsibilities Volunteer Be proud of your heritage Know where to go for help

16 Legal Authority Government of Canada makes laws that all Canadians must follow. Ex. Laws give parents the right to make decisions about their children Provincial and territorial governments also make own laws, such as laws about driving.

17 Authority Gives People Power
If you have a position of authority, you have the power to affect the lives of others. However, there are people in these positions that may use their authority in unfair ways.

18 Authority and Power in Your Life
As you get older, the law will give you more power over your own life. Having Power=Having Responsibility Must use this responsibility WISELY so you do not LOSE your power that the law has given you. Ex. 19 is drinking age. If you drink and drive, what happens??

19 Activity: Authority and Power in Your Life
Pg.7 What are some of the choices and responsibilities that go with each of the powers?

20 The 5 types of Empowerment
1.Economic 2.Political 3.Cultural 4. Societal 5.National All these things together = Our Society

21 Economic Empowerment Economics: -the study of how people work to create wealth. Ex. How we produce, distribute, and consume goods and services.

22 Economic Empowerment:
Having enough wealth to take care of your needs. People with less $ may have fewer choices. Ex. food, shelter, clothing, education. -Can gain economic empowerment by finding out jobs that are in demand and learning essential skills to get these jobs.

23 How Can We Become Politically Empowered?
Three Ways: 1. Learn as much as you can about the issues in your province, country and the world. 2. Think for yourself and what you consider to be the best decision. 3. Work to convince others to do what you think is right. -We can become politically empowered in any situation.

24 Political Empowerment
Politics is the general term for all things we do to: 1. Organize ourselves 2. Settle disagreements 3. Make decisions in our schools, communities and countries.

25 Examples of Political Empowerment
Voting for political leaders Writing a letter to politicians Cleaning up your community Class Discussion: How can you become politically empowered in your school?

26 Cultural Empowerment Culture is a way of life. It is made up of everything including: -Language -Food -Clothing -Spiritual Beliefs

27 What is Cultural Empowerment?
-Being free to practise your culture. -Remembering history, teaching language and traditions to children is the only way to keep culture strong. Ways to become Culturally Empowered: 1. Learning about your culture 2. Staying active in your culture 3. Respecting other cultures

28 All members of society being treated fairly and equally.
Societal Empowerment Society Everything people do when they live, work and play together in communities. Societal Empowerment All members of society being treated fairly and equally.

29 Why might one group get more power than other groups in our society?
Class Discussion: Why might one group get more power than other groups in our society?

30 Groups with more power often have:
More money More political power Class Discussion: How can we use power fairly in our society?

31 National Empowerment Nation: Another word for country National Empowerment Comes from a nation having the power to make decisions for itself.

32 National Empowerment contd…
Nations need to be able to: 1. Make important decisions without other nations telling them what to do. 2. Make their own laws. 3. Choose what to do with own natural resources. 4. Free to choose whether or not to go to war. 5. Use their power in responsible ways. 6. Try best to be fair to own citizens and other nations.

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