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Deciduous Forest Alyssa Steele.

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1 Deciduous Forest Alyssa Steele

2 Precipitation Range Deciduous forests receive about 30 to 60 inches of precipitation annually and it is pretty evenly distributed

3 Temperature Range Deciduous forests have four seasons. In the warmer months, temperatures range from 75° to 86° Fahrenheit. The humidity is higher, between 60-80%.  Average annual temperature is 50° F

4 Soil Characteristics Soils of this biome are very fertile. As the leaves decompose, the nutrients of the leaves are absorbed by the  soil. Many deciduous forests have been converted to agricultural land due to the great soil. 

5 Plant Adaptation Although there are some evergreen trees in deciduous forests, this biome is characterized by the mass amounts of deciduous trees. By definition, deciduous trees shed their leaves every fall and become dormant over the winter. 

6 Animal Adaptations Animals in this biome must be able to tolerate cold winters and hot summers. They usually either migrate or hibernate over the cold winter months.  Many animals in this biome have sharp claws so that they can climb trees or dig burrows in the ground in order to reach safer areas.

7 Locations Deciduous forests are mid- latitude and fall between the polar regions and tropics In the Northern Hemisphere, deciduous forests can be found in Eastern United States, Europe, and Asia In the Southern Hemisphere, deciduous forests are scarcely spread across Australia and South America

8 Special Characteristics and Sensitivities
Certain species are highly sensitive. Exotic species can have significant impacts on native communities. The loss of large native predators has many impacts on forest structure. Pictured: Northern snakehead- Invasive to the Chesapeake Bay area, they could outcompete popular sport fish.  Biologists are also concerned that they could introduce parasites and diseases that could harm native species.

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