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Presentation on theme: "INFORMATION SISTEM & TECHNOLOGY"— Presentation transcript:

by Kudang B. Seminar, PhD 11/17/2018

2 Definition of Information Technology Telecomunication Technology
Information Technology (IT) is an electronic technology for the acquisition, processing, storing, & retrieving of data and the production & delivery of information. (Gunton, 1994) Computer Technology IT Telecomunication Technology

3 Teknologi Informasi (TI)
Teknologi elektronik untuk akuisisi, pengolahan, penyimpanan, dan temu balik data (data retrieval), serta untuk produksi dan distribusi informasi (Gunton 1993). TI Komputer Telekomunikasi 11/17/2018

4 Information System (IS) Model
BRAINWARE DATAWARE Performance Control System S O F T W A R E H A R D W A R E Data Process Info Data Store N E T W A R E 11/17/2018

5 What is a System? A system is… A set of interrelated components
With a clearly defined boundary Working together To achieve a common set of objectives By accepting inputs and producing outputs In an organized transformation process Chapter 1 Foundations of Information Systems in Business

6 Information Production

7 Basic Functions of a System
Input Capturing and assembling elements that enter the system to be processed Processing Transformation process that converts input into output Output Transferring transformed elements to their ultimate destination Chapter 1 Foundations of Information Systems in Business

8 Information System Resources
People Resources Specialists End users Hardware Resources Machines Media Software Resources Programs Procedures Data Resources Product descriptions, customer records, employee files, inventory databases Network Resources Communications media, communications processors, network access and control software Information Resources Management reports and business documents using text and graphics displays, audio responses, and paper forms Chapter 1 Foundations of Information Systems in Business

9 IS Activities Input of data resources Data entry activities
Processing of data into information Calculations, comparisons, sorting, and so on Output of information products Messages, reports, forms, graphic images Storage of data resources Data elements and databases Control of system performance Monitoring and evaluating feedback Chapter 1 Foundations of Information Systems in Business

10 A Business as a System Chapter 1 Foundations of Information Systems in Business

11 Fundamental Roles of IS in Business
Chapter 1 Foundations of Information Systems in Business

12 IT Challenges and Opportunities
Chapter 1 Foundations of Information Systems in Business

13 (ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE) Merging Computing & Communications
Shift Paradigm in Business EDI (ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE) Video Conference Cable-Television Merging Computing & Communications Phone/Celullar LAN/WAN Fax Pagers Voice mail 11/17/2018

14 The IS Function The IS function is…
A major functional area of business An important contributor to operational efficiency, employee productivity, morale, customer service and satisfaction A major source of information and support for decision making A vital ingredient in developing competitive products and services in the global marketplace A dynamic and challenging career opportunity A key component of today’s networked business Chapter 1 Foundations of Information Systems in Business

15 Challenges and Ethics of IT
Application of IT Customer relationship management Human resources management Business intelligence systems Potential Harm Infringements on privacy Inaccurate information Collusion Potential Risks Consumer boycotts Work stoppages Government intervention Possible Responses Codes of ethics Incentives Certification Chapter 1 Foundations of Information Systems in Business

16 Ethical Responsibilities
What uses of IT might be considered improper or harmful to other individuals or society? What is the proper business use of the Internet or a company’s IT resources? How can you protect yourself from computer crime? Chapter 1 Foundations of Information Systems in Business

17 Sociotechnological Environment Organization Structures Management
Strategies Information Systems and Technologies Business Processes People and Cultures 11/17/2018

18 Data: raw facts or observations
Data vs Information Data: raw facts or observations Information : data that have been transformed into a meaningful and useful context for specific end users Data Information Data Sales person Sales Values Sales Units Data Processing Sales Analysis 11/17/2018

19 Foundation Concepts of IS
What to be known about the IS? Management of IS Resource and Activities Development of IS Solutions to Business Problems Applications of IS To Operations, Managemnet, and Strategic Advantage Technology of IS Hardware, Software, Telecomunications,& Data Management Foundation Concepts of IS Fundamental Behavioral and Technical Concepts 11/17/2018

20 Sales Data 11/17/2018

21 Sales Information 11/17/2018

22 Information Quality Time Dimension Content Dimension Form Dimension
Timeliness Currency Frequency Time period Content Dimension Accuracy Relevance Completeness Conciseness Scope Performance Form Dimension Clarity Detail Order Presentation Media 11/17/2018

23 Purposes of Information Systems
Chapter 1 Foundations of Information Systems in Business

24 Operations Support Systems
What do they do? Efficiently process business transactions Control industrial processes Support communications and collaboration Update corporate databases Chapter 1 Foundations of Information Systems in Business

25 Types of OSS Transaction Processing Systems
Record and process business transactions Example: sales processing, inventory systems, accounting systems Process Control Systems Monitor and control physical processes Example: using sensors to monitor chemical processes in a petroleum refinery Enterprise Collaboration Systems Enhance team and workgroup communication Example: , video conferencing Chapter 1 Foundations of Information Systems in Business

26 Two Ways to Process Transactions
Batch Processing Accumulate transactions over time and process periodically Example: a bank processes all checks received in a batch at night Online Processing Process transactions immediately Example: a bank processes an ATM withdrawal immediately Chapter 1 Foundations of Information Systems in Business

27 Management Support Systems
What do they do? Provide information and support for effective decision making by managers Management information systems Decision support systems Executive information systems Chapter 1 Foundations of Information Systems in Business

28 Types of Management Support Systems
Management Information Systems (MIS) Reports and displays Example: daily sales analysis reports Decision Support Systems (DSS) Interactive and ad hoc support Example: a what-if analysis to determine where to spend advertising dollars Executive Information Systems (EIS) Critical information for executives and managers Example: easy access to actions of competitors Chapter 1 Foundations of Information Systems in Business

29 Other Information Systems
Expert Systems - provide expert advice Example: credit application advisor Knowledge Management Systems - support creation, organization, and dissemination of business knowledge throughout company Example: intranet access to best business practices Strategic Information Systems - help get a strategic advantage over customer Example: shipment tracking, e-commerce Web systems Functional Business Systems - focus on operational and managerial applications of basic business functions Example: accounting, finance, or marketing Chapter 1 Foundations of Information Systems in Business

30 DNC’s EIS Main Menu 11/17/2018

31 DNC’s EIS - Dashboard 11/17/2018

32 DNC’s EIS – Sub Menu 11/17/2018

33 IT Management Paradigm
A paradigm is a mental frame of reference that dominates the way people think and act (Karl Albrech) Vision & Mission of Human IT Management Paradigm Vision & mission of Collective Prosperity Vision & mission of organization/enterprise

34 Vision & Missions of humans as vice vigerent of earth
Information Database Knowledge Vision & Missions of humans as vice vigerent of earth High Quality Decision Making (intelectually & emotionally)

35 Vision & Mission of Collective Prosperity: knowledge sharing & mutual benefits
Inter-, Extra- dan Intra-net

36 Vision & Mission of Organization:
Re-engineering for Better Performance & Higher Competitiveness High Rationalism Reengineering Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Current Condition Automation (Computerization) IT Utilization Low High


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