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LO: To assess the impact of War upon Tsarist Russia

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1 LO: To assess the impact of War upon Tsarist Russia
Learning Outcomes By the end of this lesson you will be able to… Describe the Crimean and Japanese Wars E-D Explain their impact upon Tsarism C-B Compare and contrast their effect A-A*

2 LO: To assess the impact of War upon Tsarist Russia
Describe the Crimean and Japanese Wars E-D Explain their impact upon Tsarism C-B Compare and contrast their effect A-A* Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward, All in the valley of Death    Rode the six hundred. “Forward, the Light Brigade! Charge for the guns!” he said. Into the valley of Death Charge of the Light Brigade, Alfred, Lord Tennyson, 1854

3 LO: To assess the impact of War upon Tsarist Russia
Describe the Crimean and Japanese Wars E-D Explain their impact upon Tsarism C-B Compare and contrast their effect A-A* The Crimean War Fought Ottoman Turks, Britain and France. Had origins in crumbling Ottoman Empire. Short term dispute between Russia and France Over the Holy Land. French intervene for Catholic access to Holy Sepulchre Russia moves into Turkish Lands, Turkey declares War! Nicholas’s desperation to show strength results in war. - West launches an all-singing all-dancing campaign. Impact of the War Slavophiles question Russia’s Greatness. “Russia lost 450,000 men mostly From disease, Britain 22,000” (Farmer) Treaty of Paris Russia lost duty to protect Holy Land Prohibited from keeping fleet in Black Sea. Humiliating! Hand over Besserabia and Moldavia. Fear of Russian potential. Key Events 1853 Turkish Fleet sunk at Sinope 1854 Fr GB ultimatum for withdrawal. Sep Battle of Alma Battle of Balaclava Battle of Unkerman. Oct Siege of Sevastopol Feb Nicholas I dies. Aug Sevastopol surrenders Mar Treaty of Paris “At a stroke Russia ceased to be a leading guarantor of the Status Quo and became a power dedicated to regaining sovereign power over lost territory” (Hosking) Emancipation of the Serfs Reduced role nobility leads to Zemstva Expansion of railway system clearly Stimulated by the war. Would these changes have occurred without the war?

4 LO: To assess the impact of War upon Tsarist Russia
Describe the Crimean and Japanese Wars E-D Explain their impact upon Tsarism C-B Compare and contrast their effect A-A* Changes to Russian Military Russian Army consisted of 1 million, mostly peasants. “Running of the Gauntlet” Accomodation poor m soldiers died From poor health. Lack of decent clothing and Weapons. “We have no army, we have a Horde of slaves cowed by Discipline, ordered about by Thieves and slave traders” - Tolstoy military reforms By Dimitry Milyutin. Modelled on Prussian system. Service 15 years Training modernised Staff College Army trained for civil Disorder.

5 LO: To assess the impact of War upon Tsarist Russia
Describe the Crimean and Japanese Wars E-D Explain their impact upon Tsarism C-B Compare and contrast their effect A-A* Russo-Japanese War Concern over Japanese expansion Carve up of weakened China Russia takes Port Arthur Disagreements over Korea Hawks and Doves in Russia Japanese surprise attack on Russia Pacific Squadron Feb 1903. - Blockade ensues. Impact of the conflict - Treaty of Portsmouth August 1905 Russia forced to withdraw from Sakhalin, Port Arthur and Manchuria Japan given sovereignty in Korea. Russian indemnities waived. Showed Russian military leaders had a Lack of knowledge and skill. Defeat against a supposedly inferior enemy Associated with the Tsar himself. Associated unrest in 1905 akin to a revolution For some historians. 1905 leads to Nicholas II reluctantly setting up A Duma. Unlikely this could have happened without the War. Especially as Duma powers quickly then Weakened. Destroys image of resurgent Russian industrial Power. Defeat could not be blamed on serfdom. Renewed investment in Transport Infrastructure. Industrial change pushed, ironically led to Urbanisation and public health problems. Major agricultural change pushed by Stolypin. The biggest turning point of them all? Key Events 1904 Battle of Yalu River Outnumbered Russians well beaten. Feb Battle of Mukden 90,000 Russian casualties. Dec 1905 Port Arthur surrendurs, 60,000 Russians captured. May 1905 Rozhestvensky’s Baltic Squadron sunk at Tsushima Straits. Aug 1905 Treaty of Portsmouth.

6 LO: To assess the impact of War upon Tsarist Russia
Describe the Crimean and Japanese Wars E-D Explain their impact upon Tsarism C-B Compare and contrast their effect A-A*

7 LO: To assess the impact of War upon Tsarist Russia
Describe the Crimean and Japanese Wars E-D Explain their impact upon Tsarism C-B Compare and contrast their effect A-A*

8 LO: To assess the impact of War upon Tsarist Russia
Describe the Crimean and Japanese Wars E-D Explain their impact upon Tsarism C-B Compare and contrast their effect A-A*

9 LO: To assess the impact of War upon Tsarist Russia
Describe the Crimean and Japanese Wars E-D Explain their impact upon Tsarism C-B Compare and contrast their effect A-A*

10 LO: To assess the impact of War upon Tsarist Russia
Describe the Crimean and Japanese Wars E-D Explain their impact upon Tsarism C-B Compare and contrast their effect A-A*

11 LO: To assess the impact of War upon Tsarist Russia
Describe the Crimean and Japanese Wars E-D Explain their impact upon Tsarism C-B Compare and contrast their effect A-A*

12 LO: To assess the impact of War upon Tsarist Russia
Describe the Crimean and Japanese Wars E-D Explain their impact upon Tsarism C-B Compare and contrast their effect A-A*

13 LO: To assess the impact of War upon Tsarist Russia
Describe the Crimean and Japanese Wars E-D Explain their impact upon Tsarism C-B Compare and contrast their effect A-A*

14 LO: To assess the impact of War upon Tsarist Russia
Describe the Crimean and Japanese Wars E-D Explain their impact upon Tsarism C-B Compare and contrast their effect A-A*

15 LO: To assess the impact of War upon Tsarist Russia
Describe the Crimean and Japanese Wars E-D Explain their impact upon Tsarism C-B Compare and contrast their effect A-A*

16 LO: To assess the impact of War upon Tsarist Russia
Describe the Crimean and Japanese Wars E-D Explain their impact upon Tsarism C-B Compare and contrast their effect A-A*

17 LO: To assess the impact of War upon Tsarist Russia
Describe the Crimean and Japanese Wars E-D Explain their impact upon Tsarism C-B Compare and contrast their effect A-A*

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