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WARM-UP Create a precise goal to improve your health (choose one from these categories: mental, physical, social, and nutritional health). State the goal.

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Presentation on theme: "WARM-UP Create a precise goal to improve your health (choose one from these categories: mental, physical, social, and nutritional health). State the goal."— Presentation transcript:

1 WARM-UP Create a precise goal to improve your health (choose one from these categories: mental, physical, social, and nutritional health). State the goal and list three mini-goals that will lead you to achieve the goal. This should be at least 3 paragraphs (introductory paragraph, body, and conclusion paragraph) with a minimum of 3 sentences each.

2 Nutrition Chapter 9 Nutrient Your Body Needs
Creating a Healthful Eating Plan Managing Your Weight Body image and Eating Disorders

3 Understanding Nutrients
Image you’re driving down the road and you run out of gasoline. Your vehicle will stop running because the energy source that makes it go is no longer available. Your body is an amazing vehicle that uses energy. Just like the engine of a vehicle burns/breaks down gasoline to help it move, your body burns fuel to provide it with energy. What are nutrients and what is a calorie?

4 Big Ideas Nutrients: substances in food that your body needs to function. Calorie: a unit of heat that measures the energy available in food. No one naturally occurring food has every necessary nutrient. For this reason we need to eat a variety of foods to meet the growth and repair needs of the body.

5 What is a balanced diet? What did you eat yesterday?
How healthy would you rate what you ate? Was it balanced? What would you eat less or more of?





10 Proteins Proteins: the nutrients used to build and repair cells.
Amino Acids: the building block of proteins, these are chemical building blocks

11 Amino Acids Different foods provide different amino acids and some provide all the essential amino acids for building and repairing your body. These food source include: Meat, dairy products, fish, soybeans, and eggs. There are 4 calories per gram of protein. Can you get all your protein from vegetables? How much protein do you need each day? no=/3, moderate=/2, extreme=/1


13 CARBOHYDRATES Carbohydrates: starches and sugars food in foods, especially plant foods. Main source of our bodies energy Simple Carbs: sugar-natural and processed Complex Carbs: starches or long chains of sugar linked together and fiber Fiber: tough, stringy part of raw fruit and vegetables, whole wheat and other grains. Our body must break down starches into smaller parts through digestion

14 Carbs continued Fiber does not provide our bodies with any energy but is important to our health. It helps carry waste from our digestive track Lowers the risk of developing heart disease Lower risk of several types of cancer Americans eat about ½ the recommended amount of fiber!


16 The truth and nothing but the truth!
Eating anything with fats in it is unhealthful!...?...right? The truth: Some dietary fat is needed to keep you healthy. Those fats should be mostly from the more healthful fats, such as unsaturated fats.

17 Fats Fats: are nutrients that promote normal growth, give you energy, and keep your skin healthy. Your body uses fats to build and maintain cell membranes. They are carry certain vitamins in your blood stream and help you feel full after a meal. Not all fats are created equal: saturated vs. unsaturated vs. trans fat

18 MMMMM…..fats!


20 It’s the little stuff that matters.
We’ve listed 3 of the nutrients, what are the others? These are micronutrients that help the body fight disease, produce energy, helps our vision, keep the nervous system healthy, builds bones, keeps our blood healthy and maintain fluid balance. No wonder they say it’s the little things that build a healthy body!

21 Vitamins Vitamins: Compounds that help to regulate body functions.
Helps the body fight disease and produce energy. Include Vitamin A, the B vitamins, C. Some are water soluble and other are fat soluble. Think BC powder and your friend KADE!

22 Vitamin Sources Vitamin A: important for good vision and healthy skin. Sources: dark leafy greens, milk and dairy products, carrots, apricots, eggs and liver. B vitamins: Helps produce energy and keeps the nervous system healthy. Sources: eggs, poultry, whole grain breads and cereal Vitamin C: Keeps teeth, gums and bones healthy, heals wounds and fights infection. Sources: orange, grapefruit, cantaloupe, strawberries, tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, potatoes. Which fruit/vegetable has the most vitamin C per gram? Windianchr, Gva, litchis, currants, orng,BP, Kl, kwe, brc,

23 Minerals-Gold and silver and platinum!
Minerals: elements in food that help your body work properly. Elements are naturally occurring and are the building blocks of compounds, essentially EVERYTHING! Your body only uses small amounts of these elements but they are ESSENTIAL to our health.

24 Mining for Minerals Calcium: helps build strong bones and teeth. Sources: milk and dairy products, fortified cereals, oatmeal, dark green leafy vegetables, canned salmon. Iron: contributes to healthy blood, that helps fight illness and diseases. Sources: red meat, poultry, dry beans, fortified cereals, nuts, eggs, dried fruit, dark leafy greens. Potassium: helps maintain your body’s fluid balance. Sources: baked potatoes, peaches, bananas, oranges, dry beans, fish.

25 Who influences your eating habits?
Family Friends Culture Media How do each they influence you? What is the difference between appetite and hunger?

26 Are you hungery? Appetite is the emotional desire for food.
Hunger is the body’s physical need for food. Appetite can be triggered by smells, sights, sounds, places or memories. Hunger is a true physiological response to our NEEDS not wants or desires. The latter two, wants and desire, have influence on what we do eat when we are hungry. Be careful that hungry does not become hangry!

27 5 food groups Grains Vegetables Fruits Proteins Dairy
5-8 oz 2-3 cups cups oz 3 cups milk P. 183 for more specific information for your body weight and size Choose nutrient dense food; that’s food that is high in nutrients relative to the number of calories in that food. Ex. low density= sugary soda pop; high density=guava fruit

28 Finding your healthy body weight range
BMI=body mass index=a method for assessing your body size based on your height and weight. BMI is not a perfect method for calculating your true body image. This method does not take into account your body’s fluid levels or build build (small, medium, or large frame, meaning muscle mass). If you’re not sure you’re within healthy body range see a healthcare professional.

29 Equal in the eyes of BMI

30 Reaching a healthy Body weight
So you’re over or underweight, what now? The key is calories. Your body converts food calorie into energy to power your daily body processes and physical activities. When you take in more calories than you your body uses, it converts the excess calories into fat. It does not matter if it is fat, protein or carbohydrates, excess is excess. If you eat less than your body consumes it will convert stored fat into energy.

31 Energy Equation There needs to be a balance between the number of calories you eat and your body uses. 3,500 calories=1 lb. of body fat IF you ate the equivalent of 1 apple worth of calories over what your body used in a day everyday for a year that would be equal to 10 lbs. Imagine the impact of 10 years…. Calorie is a calorie is a calorie. They all count even if you don’t.

32 Losing and gaining wisdom
Losing: Nutrient dense food, like a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread vs a chocolate bar, will help your body rebuild itself better and fill your hunger. A deficit of 250 calories a day, the aforementioned foods, will lead to a healthy weight loss over time. Don’t rush it. Gaining: use the same logic and add nutrient dense foods like nuts over junk food or milk over water. There are many dieticians that are qualified to assist you in your efforts.

33 Physical Activity MyPlate food guidance system recommends 60 minutes of physical activity on most days. You can gain and lose weight with exercise and should maintain a healthy activity level. Over exercise is as dangerous as under exercising. Listen to your body. There may be times a pain when you begin but the old adage of no pain no gain is not a stone cold truth. Again, listen to your body, rest is important to recovery. Avoid fad diets. There is no a bikini body or beach muscle program that works in a few weeks. Enjoy your jurney.

34 What you look like Thank you DNA! You are uniquely YOU! OWN IT!
Body image is the way you see yourself. Many people have poor body image. They think they are to thin, to fat, have too little muscle. People with poor body image often try to manipulate their weight in unhealthy ways, maybe even life threatening ways. Many factors influence body image; family, media, friends, etc.; this in turn affects your self image. Focus on what you like about yourself.

35 No one size fits all Your body is influenced by many sources: genetics and gender. You are growing. This may come in spurts or very slowly or not at all! Many teens may carry a few extra or less pounds for a period of time, this is normal and should not cause alarm. Show your confidence by letting yourself grow and maintain a healthy lifestyle through diet and mental well-being. You are awesome, be proud of being you.

36 Eating disorders These are extreme eating behaviors that are can lead to serious illness or death. Low self-esteem and depression increase likelihood of eating disorders. Eating disorders are most common among teen girls and young women, but males are not immune. If you believe someone you know has an eating disorder talk to a trusted adult or them and encourage them to seek professional help. Eating disorders are mental health problems. Anorexia nervosa, bulimia and binge eating

37 Anorexia nervosa This is an eating disorder in which a strong fear of gaining weight leads people to starve themselves. Thi may also lead to excessive exercise. The lack of nutrients leads to weakened bones, decreased blood pressure and risk for kidney and heart failure or starvation and suicide.



40 Bulimia Nervosa A disorder in which a person repeatedly eats large amounts of food and then purges. They may vomit or use laxatives. They may go extreme diets and when those do not work, many do not work and even fewer are actually effect and nearly none long lasting, they then turn to purging. They may even use extreme exercise regimens. They go to the restroom after eating and run the water so the sound of purging is diminished. It does not usually lead to extreme weight loss but will lead to nutrient deficiencies, the food must be digested to get the essential nutrients from it. Purging in this manner can damage the kidneys, colon, liver, esophagus, teeth, stomach, heart and may cause dehydration. If you or a friend is suffering from this seek help.

41 Symptoms Of Bulimia Nervosa

42 Binge Eating Is a disorder in which one compulsively overeats. A compulsion is something you feel you cannot control. They may eat when they are not hungry and hide food to eat alone, out of sight of others. This can lead to extreme weight gains and the guilt can lead to depression. This is related to muscle dysmorphia, an obsession with gaining muscle. This may lead the teen to use steroids or extreme diets to gain muscle that is unhealthy.



45 Wrap up on the chapter 9 Go to page in the Health book and answer questions 1 through 15 and the Standardized Test Practice Questions. You may work in partners.

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