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Skateboarding By Aleena Ann Cherian.

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Presentation on theme: "Skateboarding By Aleena Ann Cherian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skateboarding By Aleena Ann Cherian

2 Section 1: Organization
/ title of team, team member names on slide 1 ​/ "shared" with / this checklist copy/pasted into slide 2 and 3, self evaluation completed / relevant video 1 from YouTube "inserted" properly (not just the link) on slide 4, explanation of why it was chosen, start and end time written / relevant video 2 from YouTube "inserted" properly slide 5, explanation of why it was chosen, start and end time written

3 Section 2: Research bonus: Section 3 Song /5
"summary song" lyrics, where you go over the major points of your research (recommend using a song you already know and just change the words slide (you can just write the song, show the original lyrics, and how you've changed them, or just your own original lyrics) Section 4: Presentation / bonus: song performance, speed, sound quality, volume, skill, getting the words right (can share a video of you doing it if you don't want to perform in front of the class) / verbal presentation quality (confidence, volume, knowledgeable) Section 2: Research / pages of "information" -keep it to the point, summarized in your own words -title each item / need 20 relevant images total (0.5 points each) -good quality images, need to connect with your slide

4 Skateboarding Video #1 Start 1:02 --- 1:58 Finish
This video is an important reason for why we should wear helmets! Even though there are some very cool stuff in this video, there are many times where very skilled skateboarders do dangerous things and totally fail.

5 Skateboarding Video #2 Start 1:50 --- 2:24 Finish
I picked this video because most of the people in this video are not wearing any protective gear(such as helmets, knee pads and wrist guards.) Just because skateboarding looks fun, that doesn’t mean it’s safe.

6 The History of Skateboarding
People know skateboarding as a sport like no other. One which influenced music, fashion and even the way we talk. There are no teams or rules. Just skateboarding is enough to “win”. The good thing is you can do this just about anywhere! The streets are usually a popular place to shred but skateparks are just as cool!

7 Best Cities to Skateboard
Some of the best cities to skateboard are: Los Angeles San Francisco Vancouver Barcelona

8 Skateboarding Tricks The main trick for street skating is the Ollie or the jump. With that trick, you can do hundreds of flips and tricks. Most tricks depend on the certain terrain. If it is too rigid and bumpy, then it could be very dangerous. But if you want to skate on flat, smooth ground, then you are probably going to be in good shape at the end of the day.

9 Skateboarding Safety It does not matter whether you are an experienced skateboarder trying out a new trick or a beginner who is getting on a skateboard for the first time--sooner or later, you will fall. Stay safe with equipment from companies you can trust with your life. You might think that you have fallen many times and it doesn’t really hurt, but trust me once you do, it’s going to hurt a ton.

10 Skateboarding Safety #2
The Consumer Protection Safety Council evaluates that one-third of all skateboarding injuries take place during the skater’s first week on the board. Just because you aren’t doing any complicated tricks doesn’t mean you don’t have to wear any protective gear. Falling really hurts. A skateboard injury can keep you off the board for weeks and away from the sports you love. Why miss sessions with your friends when you can prevent injury with protective gear?

11 Skateboarding Equipment
In this order, when skateboarding you should have on: a skateboard helmet skateboard knee pads skateboard elbow pads skateboard wrist guards a pair of skateboard padded shorts

12 Skateboarding Helmets
If you are going to skateboard, you are going to need a helmet. Basic information, am I right? Well, even though we know we should wear helmets, we still forget. Besides the helmet, how much protective gear you need depends on how or where you skate.

13 Knee Pads and Elbow Pads
If you’re going to do big tricks on the street or the park, you are going to need high- quality pads for your knees and elbows. If you are just learning to skateboard, then you probably don’t need the professional equipment, but you still need protection. Elbow Pads Knee pads

14 Wrist Guards and More Wrist guards help support the wrist during a fall and reduces the chance of breaking a bone. You should also wear closed, slip-resistant shoes and you should also consider wearing goggles to keep the debris out of your eyes. Remember to not skateboard near traffic but rather in a supervised skatepark. In an emergency, do not panic, calm down and call 911.

15 Most Importantly…Have Fun!
Of course, you need to be all prepared before doing something dangerous...but always remember to have fun too! Safety first, then fun!

16 Bibliography

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