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Preventing Physical Activity (PA) Injuries. Things to Remember Update your Table of Contents. -Date: 9/9/15 -Title of Assignment: Preventing (PA) Injuries.

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Presentation on theme: "Preventing Physical Activity (PA) Injuries. Things to Remember Update your Table of Contents. -Date: 9/9/15 -Title of Assignment: Preventing (PA) Injuries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preventing Physical Activity (PA) Injuries

2 Things to Remember Update your Table of Contents. -Date: 9/9/15 -Title of Assignment: Preventing (PA) Injuries Notes -Standard: 1.15. S -Page #: Vocabulary Index (Include page #): Words to be included today are sports gear, P.R.I.C.E, dehydration, heat exhaustion, frostbite, sprain, tendonitis, dislocation, fracture, and stress facture. DO NOT copy what is in RED bold, only BLACK!! Anything in GREEN is a question for you to answer only.

3 Preventing Injuries (CN) Sports Gear P.R.I.C.E Dehydration Heat Exhaustion Includes sports clothing and safety equipment. Stands for protect, rest, ice, compress, and elevate. Is a condition caused by too much water loss. An overheating of the body that can result from dehydration.

4 Preventing Injuries (CN) Frostbite Sprain Tendonitis Dislocation Freezing of the skin. An injury to the ligament connecting bones at a joint. Is painful inflammation and swelling of a tendon caused by overuse. Is a major injury that happens when a bone is forced from its normal position within a joint.

5 Preventing Injuries (CN) Fracture Stress fracture Is a break in a bone. Is a small fracture caused by repeated strain on a bone.

6 Playing it Safe You have already learned 2 ways to make your work outs safe: warming up and cooling down. In this lesson, you’ll learn techniques for making them even safer. A first step to injury-free exercise is proper sports gear. For example, for skating, skateboarding, and scooter riding you have to wear helmet, wrist pads, knee pads, and elbow pads.

7 P.R.I.C.E Protect the injured part from further injury by keeping it still. Moving it may make the pain worse. Rest the injured part. Ice the part using an ice pack. Compress, or put pressure on, the part using an elastic bandage. This will keep the injury from swelling. Just be careful not to wrap the bandage too tightly. This could cut off the flow of blood. Elevate the injured part above the level of the heart.

8 Tips for Injury Prevention Warm up, light stretches, cool down. Be sure you’re in good physical shape before you participate in sports. Take some time to build endurance, strength, and flexibility. Do not try activities that are beyond your ability. Start slow and develop your abilities at a safe pace. After an injury, don’t return to playing sports or working out until a medical provider says you are well.

9 Exit Slip Pretend you want to join a new sports team of a sport you never played before. Name/choose the sport. Explain what steps you need to take in order to prevent injuries. Use at least 2 techniques learned today and explain why they are important for your safety. 1-2 paragraphs Use at least 3 of your vocabulary words.

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