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World War On Chapter 26 part 1

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1 World War On Chapter 26 part 1

2 Marching Toward War Nationalism-
By the turn of the 20th century, several nations became powerful and rivals. Those nations were: Imperialism- Militarism-


4 Tangled Alliances Between 1864 and 1871, Prussia’s chancellor, Otto von Bismarck freely used war to unify Germany. His goal was to isolate France. Why?

5 Triple Alliance Goal: to take allies away from France.
Three countries:

6 Shifting Alliances Threaten Peace
In 1890, the new ruler of Germany, Kaiser Wilhelm II. He ended the treaty with Russia. As a result the Triple Entente was formed.

7 Crisis in the Balkans The Balkans was known as the “________” of Europe. Nationalism was a powerful force in these countries. Why?

8 Assassination Leads to War
Serbia and Austria-Hungary major tension and hostility between each other. Assassination Leads to War Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir of Austrian-Hungarian throne was assassinated by the Black Hand. Gavrilo Pricip Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia Germany declares war on Russia. Britain declared war on Germany.

9 Europe Plunges into War
Nations take sides The Central Powers The Allies

10 The Schlieffen Plan German battle strategy-

11 New War

12 Russia Struggles By 1916, Russia’s war effort was near collapse. Why?
What was Russia’s only asset?

13 A Global Conflict America Joins the Fight (1917)
German unrestricted submarine warfare This was a response to __________. Sinking of the Lusitania-

14 German U-boats sank English ships
German U-boats sank English ships. Ignoring the warning from President Wilson. The Zimmerman Note-

15 War Affects the Home Front
Government wages “total war”. Every able-body No unemployment Rationing Censorship propaganda

16 The Allies Win the War Russia Withdraws. Why? Communism
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk armistice

17 The Legacy of War 8.5 million soldiers died 21 million wounded
$338 billion

18 A Flawed Peace The Allies Meet and Debate The Big Four:

19 Wilson’s Plan for Peace
Fourteen Points- 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th- established colonial fairness 6th-13th- changing borders and creating new nations. 14th- League of Nations

20 The Treaty of Versailles
League of Nations Territorial Losses Military Restrictions War Guilt Clause

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