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Nervous System Research Assignment

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1 Nervous System Research Assignment
Referencing SCIS- Year 9 The Good, the bad and the Ugly.

2 Include these elements in your citation: author (surname and initial)
Books Include these elements in your citation: author (surname and initial) year of publication [in brackets] title of the book (and subtitle if there is one) [in italics] edition (but not if it is the first edition) place of publication publisher

3 Books With one author: Hassan, R. (2004). Media, politics and the network society. Maidenhead: Open University Press. With two authors: Burnell, P. and Randall, V. (2004). Politics in the developing world. Oxford: Oxford University Press With more than two authors: White, S. et al. (1995). How Russia votes. Chatham, NJ.: Chatham House Publishers.

4 Journals and Magazines
Include these elements in your citation: author year of publication [in brackets] title of the article [in single speech marks] title of the journal [in italics] volume (and issue number) – or date for newspapers page number(s)

5 Journals and Magazines
Saward, M. (1993). ‘Direct democracy revisited’. Politics 13 (2), pp

6 Include these elements in your citation:
Websites Include these elements in your citation: Author Title of website Date posted URL Date you accessed the website

7 Websites Murray, Tony. South African 505 Racing Assoication. 1/ /2/2006

8 For example : (Philips, 2007)
In text citations After paraphrasing it is important to say where you got your ideas from. Since you will have a bibliography, you do not need to provide a full reference, however, you do need to give the authors name and the year of publication. For example : (Philips, 2007)

9 In text citations Short quotations – usually for lines of less can be incorporated in the body of the text with quotation marks where necessary and followed by an in-text reference. Example Hittler and Mussolini were “extreme nationalists” (Johnson, 1978: 72) who lead their countries….

10 In text citations Longer quotations – are set out as a separate block of text, indented from the margins with no quotations marks but followed by an in-text reference. Example On 4 December 1928 President Coolidge gave his last public message to the new Congress. No Congress of the United States ever assembled, on surveying the state of the Union, has met with a more pleasing prospect . . .The country can regard the present with satisfaction and anticipate the future with optimism.(McCoy,D.1967:392)

11 How to arrange your list
Your list should be arrange in alphabetical order. All media should be included in one list. Do not break you list into sections for books and internet sites.

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