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3 Philosophies of Ancient China

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1 3 Philosophies of Ancient China

2 Which of the following approaches do you think would be most effective in dealing with school violence such as fighting and bullying? Assign students who are guilty of violent behavior around the school a “big brother” or “big sister” who is a respected older student from another grade. The big brother or sister would teach the student how to behave properly. Allow students who are guilty of fighting or bullying to go unpunished, hoping that eventually they will learn from their mistakes and correct their behavior. Have school authorities put in writing rules about unacceptable behavior and assign harsh punishments for violating the rules. For example, students caught fighting will be expelled.

3 Your answer says a lot about your philosophy on life!
What Did You Choose? Your answer says a lot about your philosophy on life!

4 A philosophy is a way of thinking and living your life.
What is a philosophy? A philosophy is a way of thinking and living your life.

5 *Why did people feel like they needed a way to structure their lives in China at this time?
The Ancient Chinese felt like they needed a new way to structure their lives because of all the chaos and fighting that happened (Warring States Period).

6 We will be completing this chart.
Philosophy Confucianism Daoism (Taoism) Legalism Founder Teachings/ Practices Influence Symbol

7 Confucianism Confucius
Philosophy Confucianism Founder Confucius Teachings/ Practices Wanted a peaceful and just society. People should act properly. Five basic relationships Rulers should set a good example and be kind, honest, wise, faithful, and treat their people well. Influence Wrote The Analects The religion Confucianism developed from teachings. Government workers were hired based on ability. Major influence on culture. Symbol

8 Philosophy Daoism (Taoism) Founder Laozi Teachings/Practices People gain happiness and peace by living in harmony with nature. Harmony is a balance of the yin and yang. The best rulers rule the least. Influence Encouraged rulers to rule less harshly. Influenced Chinese thought, writing, and art. Symbol

9 Legalism People are selfish.
Philosophy Legalism Founder  Hanfeizi Teachings/ Practices People are selfish. Rulers must have absolute power and military might. Rulers should establish strict laws and enforce rewards and punishments. Influence Immediate influence on the Qin Dynasty who used strict rules and laws and harsh punishments. Symbol

10 What Philosophy Am I?

11 What Philosophy Am I? The law must severely punish any unwanted action, while at the same time rewarding those who follow it.

12 Legalism

13 The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home.
What Philosophy Am I? The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home.

14 Confucianism

15 What Philosophy Am I? A leader is best when people barely know he exists, not so good when people obey and acclaim him, worst when they despise him. But of a good leader, who talks little, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say, “We did this ourselves.”

16 Daoism

17 What Philosophy Am I? In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of.

18 Confucianism

19 What Philosophy Am I? Laws should reward those who obey them and punish accordingly those who dare to break them.

20 Legalism

21 Govern a great nation as you would cook a small fish. Don’t overdo it.
What Philosophy Am I? Govern a great nation as you would cook a small fish. Don’t overdo it.

22 Daoism

23 Exit Slip What philosophy do your parents have? Give one example to provide evidence.

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