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1 Judaism


3 Founding Began 3500 year ago in Middle East
Abraham: religious patriarch “Father of the Jews” Made a covenant with God, Hebrews become the chosen people of God Promised the land of Canaan (Israel) Founding

4 Important people Prophet Moses King David & King Solomon
Led the Israelite slaves out of Egypt Given the law of God King David & King Solomon Established Kingdom of Israel Built the first temple in Jerusalem Messiah: a promised savior who will rescue the Jewish people Important people

5 Characteristics of God
Monotheistic G—d No form Just, merciful, personal, omnipotent Many names but often “Yahweh” or YHWH “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.” Deuteronomy 6:4 Characteristics of God

6 Worship Follow the law of God
613 separate laws Dietary restrictions (Kosher), Sacrifice, Behavior, Worship Bring holiness into daily life by behaving in a way that pleases God Prayers, Devotion, Study Very community & family oriented Temple/ Synagogue: Priesthood (Rabbis) Many Festivals and Holidays instituted by scripture Worship

7 Tanakh: Jewish Scripture divided into three parts
Torah: Law, books of Moses Nevi'im: Prophets Ketuvim: Writings (poetry, history, stories)  Thought to be given or inspired by God Used as the Christian Old Testament Talmud: legal commentaries on the Torah, explains the law Other sermons, writings, and histories also accepted T N K a h Religious Texts


9 Afterlife Religious texts say little about death/afterlife
No single agreed upon view of afterlife Heaven Nothing Rejoining ancestors Resurrection of the dead Final judgment More focused on actions within your life Afterlife

10 Orthodox: Traditional Judaism, closely follow all laws and rituals, often separate from modern culture (Sect: Hasidic Jews) Conservative: “Historical Judaism,” stick close to the original law, but also adopt modern culture, reaction to Reform Reform: Relaxation of law, rituals, flexible, liberal Branches of Judaism

11 Approx 16 million Jews Largest numbers in United States & Israel

12 Menorah Star of David Symbols Tablets of 10 Commandments

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