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L.O.: To revise the character of Mercutio by analysing language.

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2 L.O.: To revise the character of Mercutio by analysing language.
Mercutio - Revision Do now! Thursday, 15 November 2018 Do now: make a list of the key events for Mercutio in the order they happen in the play. Language Themes accompanies Romeo to the masked ball (I. 4). attempts to cheer up Romeo who is suffering because of his love (I. 4). Duels with Tybalt (III. 1). is stabbed as a result of Romeo’s intervention (III. 1). utters a curse on both the Capulets and Montagues in his dying breaths.

3 "Prick love for pricking, and you beat love down"
L.O.: To revise the character of Mercutio by analysing language. Key Quote New Learning "Prick love for pricking, and you beat love down" Annotate with: words to describe Mercutio when it’s said what it shows key words to zoom in on themes links to context Themes: love When: before the Capulet feast. Analysis: When Romeo says love pricks like a thorn, Mercutio says he should prick it back. Translation: The solution to heartache is to go out and have sex. Mercutio is an anti-romantic; for him, love is a physical pursuit, which he emphasizes through his bawdy wordplay: "Prick love for pricking and you beat love down." Mercutio's repeated references to the sexual aspect of love casts Romeo's transcendent love in a more spiritual light. Source of humour and comedy in the play. Mercutio comes across as opposed to the whole idea of love between a man and a woman. When Romeo complains about the heartache of his unrequited love for Rosaline, Mercutio tells him to get over it already.

4 “Tybalt, you ratcatcher, will you walk?”
L.O.: To revise the character of Mercutio by analysing language. Key Quote New Learning “Tybalt, you ratcatcher, will you walk?” Annotate with: words to describe Mercutio when it’s said what it shows key words to zoom in on themes links to context Themes: conflict When: before the fight Analysis: violent and antagonistic. Hot-headed and short-tempered. Slang for prince of cats. Inflammatory and deliberately insulting. Challenging him to a duel. Mercutio says to Tybalt 'will you walk?' questioning whether Tybalt will fight with him. This is insulting, as Mercutio is questioning Tybalt's honour and integrity and masculinity. Mercutio calls Tybalt a 'rat-catcher' highlighting the cunning side of Tybalt's personality - he is ridiculing him.

5 ‘A plague on both your houses’
L.O.: To revise the character of Mercutio by analysing language. Key Quote New Learning ‘A plague on both your houses’ Annotate with: words to describe Mercutio when it’s said what it shows key words to zoom in on themes links to context Themes: conflict / death / fate When: after the fight Analysis: Helped by Benvolio, Mercutio leaves the stage, uttering the haunting curse ‘A plague a’ both your houses!’ (line 106) – a curse that is soon to be carried out. Mercutio’s death offstage effectively puts an end to the Friar’s plan to simply reunite the warring families. Mercutio was the bridge between the two houses and that bridge has been destroyed. By killing Mercutio, Shakespeare points out the extent of the death and destruction caused by the feud. However, could be read as pointing out that both families are already cursed. The plague is actually what prevents the letter from being delivered to Romeo, so the curse comes true. Mercutio himself doesn’t believe in fate – he blames specific people.

6 Add anything you’ve missed!
L.O.: To revise the character of Mercutio by analysing language. Add anything you’ve missed! Lively, passionate, volatile, bawdy, hot headed, quick tempered, keen to uphold honour. What is the impact of Mercutio’s character – what does he change or influence because he is in the play? What would the difference be to the story if he wasn’t there? Acts as a foil (a contrasting character) to Romeo’s romantic, lovesick ways. ‘Mercutio is used to show the feud is silly and pointless” Discuss. What is Shakespeare’s purpose for including the character of Mercutio?

7 L.O.: To revise the character of Mercutio by analysing language.
Independent Is Shakespeare using the character of Mercutio to criticise honour and show how pointless it is?

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