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The Work of Historians Identify Primary Sources such as paintings, pictures, diaries, and newspapers Analyze Primary Sources Evaluate the validity of the.

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Presentation on theme: "The Work of Historians Identify Primary Sources such as paintings, pictures, diaries, and newspapers Analyze Primary Sources Evaluate the validity of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Work of Historians Identify Primary Sources such as paintings, pictures, diaries, and newspapers Analyze Primary Sources Evaluate the validity of the source and its message

2 In your notebook, answer the following questions in a short paragraph:
What did you do this weekend? How did you feel about this activity? Who was with you? What are your feelings towards this person(s)? Bellringer – 5 minutes

3 What is a Primary Source?
A record left by someone who experienced a certain event, or lived during the time period and provided us with evidence from that time. Examples?? What is a Primary Source?

4 What is a Secondary Source?
A secondary source is something written by an individual who wasn’t there, but is interpreting the events Examples? What is a Secondary Source?

5 Which is NOT a Primary Source?
Diary History Textbook Census Records The Mona Lisa A Journal Article on the Civil War written in 2011 New York Times, Sept. 4, 1939 Paul Revere’s Boston Massacre painting Howard Zinn’s, A Peoples History of the United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s speech on Dec. 7, 1941 Which is NOT a Primary Source?

6 Some questions to think about:
So, what’s going on so far? What do you (we) know that you (we) didn’t know before? Please say something about_____________ Does anyone want to share something that was particularly interesting, confusing, or unusual? What do you think? Why? What makes you think so? Why? Some questions to think about:

7 Quick Example Author Thomas Jefferson of Virginia wrote: 
What does that mean? “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal”

8 John Trumbull, Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776
What do you notice about the group of men signing their names to the Declaration of Independence?

9 Virginia Gazette, 14 September 1769
What is this? Why was it written? Who is the author? What else do we know about the author? Do you think that Thomas Jefferson believed that “All Men are Created Equal”? Why or why not? Virginia Gazette, 14 September 1769

10 Reconstruction What do you know? End of Civil War
Self Reconstruction Radical Reconstruction Redeemers Black Codes Ku Klux Klan Mississippi Black Codes Elias Hill Testimony What do these documents tell us about the time period? Supporting evidence? Reconstruction

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