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PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SOURCES.  These are actual accounts of events or the original documents  Diaries  Letters  Journals  Speeches  Interviews.

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Presentation on theme: "PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SOURCES.  These are actual accounts of events or the original documents  Diaries  Letters  Journals  Speeches  Interviews."— Presentation transcript:


2  These are actual accounts of events or the original documents  Diaries  Letters  Journals  Speeches  Interviews  Photographs  Audio and video recordings  Original literary or theatrical works  Original advertisements  Magazine and newspaper articles (written at the time of the event) WHAT ARE PRIMARY SOURCES?

3 EXAMPLES OF PRIMARY SOURCES This is an example of a historical ad

4 EXAMPLES OF PRIMARY SOURCES The Declaration of Independence is an original document

5 EXAMPLES OF PRIMARY SOURCES This original map from 1142 shows Europe after the Crusades

6  These are sources that interpret history and primary sources  Textbooks  Encyclopedias  Dictionaries  Books that interpret history  Articles that interpret history (newspaper or magazine) WHAT ARE SECONDARY SOURCES?

7 EXAMPLES OF SECONDARY SOURCES Your World History textbook is a secondary source because it interprets history and tries to be as unbiased as possible

8  Why do you think historians use both primary and secondary sources?  What problems might occur from primary sources? QUESTIONS

9  When we look at primary sources, we need to do something called “sourcing” which means we identify some things from the document LOOKING AT PRIMARY SOURCES

10  The author: who wrote this primary source?  Example text: who can you identify as the author of the Mayflower Compact? SOURCING

11  Date: When was it written?  When was the Mayflower Compact written? SOURCING

12  Why was it written?  Why do we think the settlers wrote the Mayflower Compact? SOURCING

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