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We meet our foreign friends.

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Presentation on theme: "We meet our foreign friends."— Presentation transcript:

1 We meet our foreign friends

2 We are proud of our country
and our native town. What is it famous for?

3 Oceans and seas Continents
National Flags Countries and Capitals

4 Europe and Asia Australia Africa North America South America Antarctica

5 This continent is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the east, the Atlantic in the west, the Arctic Ocean in the North, the Indian Ocean in the South. It is the biggest continent in the world. The Urals separate it on two parts. What’s its name?

6 This continent was discovered by Columbus but he didn’t know about it.
North America The Atlantic Ocean The Pacific Ocean

7 This continent is the smallest
This continent is the smallest. You can see koalas, the emu and kangaroos here. Some scientists call it a “big island”. Australia

8 This continent is the hottest in the world, it is famous for its pyramids and ancient history.

9 This continent is washed by the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans
This continent is washed by the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. The biggest river is the Amazon. The biggest country is Brazil. South America

10 This continent is situated in the South Pole of the Earth, it is washed by the South Ocean, is covered by ice and you can meet penguins there. Antarctica

11 Oceans, seas, rivers islands
the Atlantic Ocean the Pacific Ocean the Indian Ocean the Arctic Ocean the Urals the Alps the British Isles the Irish Sea the North Sea the Black Sea the Dniester the Volga

12 Find the countries and their capitals
Russia Rome Germany Moscow Italia Berlin Australia e Delhi India Canberra

13 Find the countries and their flags
Russia France Spain Great Britain This is a national flag of ______

14 Introduce yourself What /your/ is/name? Where / you /from/are?
What /the capital/ is/ of your country? What/ your/native language/is? What foreign language/ you/ do/ speak?

15 Introduce yourself What is your name? Where are you from?
What is the capital of your country? What is your native language? What foreign language do you speak?

16 Is English an international Language?
People learn English to: travel around the world visit English-speaking countries read books in English talk to people from foreign countries sing songs in English use computer programmers in English watch films and cartoons in English

17 Capital: Tiraspol The Pridnestrovien Moldavian Ripublic

18 vineyards fruitgardens Mэрцишор

19 Eugen Doga composed music to almost half of the feature films at the "Moldova-Film" studio.




23 how to name the continents
Now I know how to name the continents how to name the countries and their capitals how to name the nationalities and their languages about traditions in different countries recognize the flags of different countries show all geographical names on the map Now I can

24 Australia Australia is the biggest island and the smallest continent in the world. It is washed by the Indian and the Pacific Oceans.

25 English is the official language in Australia.

26 This country is famous for its native animals: the kangaroo, the koala, the dingo and the emu

27 The 2000 summer Olympic Games were held in our country.

28 The largest and the most beautiful cities of country are Sydney, Melbourne and its capital – Canberra. Sydney Melbourne Canberra

29 Canada The capital :Ottawa People: the Canadians

30 The United States of America
The capital of America is Washington. People – the Americans

31 Coca Cola The Niagara falls Las Vegas English and Spanish

32 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Capital: London People: the British

33 British symbols The Queen of Great Britain is Elizabeth II. .
The rose is the national emblem of England. The national flower of Scotland is the thistle. The national flower of Wales is the daffodil. The national flower of Northern Ireland is the shamrock.

34 There are 91 universities in Great Britain

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