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Red Bull & The stratosphere???

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1 Red Bull & The stratosphere???
Mrs. Anna Ward

2 Science Starter 09/24 Come in SILENTLY. Get out needed materials and place your book bag under your desk. MATERIALS needed: Pencil, Science Notebook, Study Guide, any other study materials You have this time to STUDY and make any last minute changes to your notebook. If you are not meeting expectations, I will provide the class with a worksheet. Notebook Suggestions: Update your Table of Contents Attach all loose items in notebook Make sure each page is absolutely complete AND accurate Label each page with a title

3 Who is Felix Baumgartner???
Born in Salzburg, Austria in 1969, Felix began skydiving at the age of 16 and polished his skills as part of the Austrian military's demonstration and competition team. In 1988, he began performing skydiving exhibitions for Red Bull. The company's out-of-the-box thinking and Felix's adventurous spirit clicked, and they've collaborated ever since. By the 1990s, Felix felt that he'd gone as far as he could with traditional skydiving, so he extended his canopy skills with BASE jumping - parachuting from a fixed object or landform. He finds that the lightning-fast reflexes and precise techniques required by such low-altitude feats also enhance his high-altitude skydiving technique.

4 Felix BaumGartner, Redbull, & the Stratosphere
Baumgartner has partnered with RED BULL in the RED BULL STRATOS project. Together, they continue to create free fall jumps from increasingly higher altitudes.

5 Video: introduction tags/1#!lightbox[group]/media /

6 Think-Pair-share Why would it be difficult to free fall jump from the stratosphere at 120,000 feet??? Please write out the question and answer it on page 16 of your science notebook.

7 The design Team tags/1#!lightbox[group]/media /

8 The capsule Taking Felix up…
tags/1#!lightbox[group]/media /

9 The goal: 120,000 ft. From 13 miles on March 15, 2002 (test jump):
felix/accomplishments/#!lightbox/media / Felix & the Scientists at Red Bull Stratos just completed their last jump from 97, ft (OVER 18 miles!!!) from the Earth’s surface… achievement/#!lightbox[sidepods]/media /

10 EXIT TICKET Do you feel that it is worthwhile to study current events like the Red Bull Stratos project? Why or why not. Please answer in 3-4 COMPLETE sentences for full credit. A “yes/no” answer results in zero credit.

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