A Helping Horse By Chase Boatright.

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Presentation on theme: "A Helping Horse By Chase Boatright."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Helping Horse By Chase Boatright

2 The Appearance of a Horse
Have very strong legs. Have a star on their head. Can see when first born.

3 How Horses’ Strength Can Help People
Horses helped pull logs and stones. They helped plow roads. Some of them pull families moving west.

4 More Facts On How Horses Can Help People
Horses helped Indians hunt buffalo. They helped cops protect people in big crowds.

5 What Horses Are Called Baby horses are called foals.
A male horse is called a colt. And a female horse is called a mare.

6 The Behavior of A Horse Good around people that ride/kind to them.
Awesome on a halter/flat rope.

7 What Horses Eat Horses eat grain and grass.
They also eat hay and weeds.

8 Bibliography Posell, Elsa z. Horses. Chicago: Childrens Press, Print. “Horse.” Wikipedia. Web. 16 April 2015. This is where horses live

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